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Aberration-Free Linear Holographic Scanner and Its Application to a Diode-Laser Printer. H.Iwaoka and T. Shiozawa. bibl flow chart il diags Appl Opt 25:123-9 Ja 1 '86

Aberration Corrections for a POS Hologram Scanner. H. Ikeda and others. diags App Opt 18:2166-70 Jl 1 '79

Aberration Correction in One-Step Lens Image Plane Holography. B.W. Cohen and R. S. Lakes. bibl il diags Appl Opt 27:3322-3 Ag 15 '88

Aberration of Coefficients of Curved Holographic Optical Elements. P.E. Verboven and P.E. Lagasse. bibl diags. Appl Opt 25:4150-4 N 15'86

Aberrations in Nonparaxial Holography. K. Goto and M. Kitaoka. bibl diags J. Opt Soc Am A 5:397-402 Mr. '88

Aberrations of Holographic Toroidal Grating Systems. M.P. Chrisp. bibl diags Appl Opt 22:1508-18 My 15'83

Absolute S- and P-Plane Polarization Efficiencies for High Frequency Holographic Gratings in the VUV. A.J. Caruso and others. bibl il diags App Opt 20: 1764-76 My 15 '81

Absorption and Phase In-Line Holograms; a Comparison. P. Dunn and J. M. Walls bibl il App Opt 18:2171-4 Jl 1'79

Achromatic Combinations of Hologram Optical Elements. S.J. Bennett. bibl App Optics 15:542-5F '76

Achromatic Holographic Stereogram of Landsat Multispectral Scanner Data. S.A. Benton and others. il diags Opt Eng 24:338-40 Mr/Ap '85

Achromatic Triplet using Holographic Optical Elements. W. C. Sweatt. bibl App Opt 16: 1390-1 My '77

Advance in the Processing of Holograms. N.J. Phillips and D. Porter. bibl il Sci Instr 9:631-4 Ag '76

Advances in Bleaching Methods for Photographically Recorded Holograms. A. Graube. bibl App Optics 13:2942-6 D '74:

Advances in Holographic Diffraction Gratings Point to Aberration-Free spectrometry. J.M.Lerner and others bibl diags Laser Focus 24:90+ Mr '88

Aliasing Error in Digital Holography. J.P. Allebach and others. bibl il App Opt 15:2183-8 S '76

All Single-Mode Fibre Optic Holographic System With Active Friunge Stabilization. M. Corke and others. il diag J.Phys E 18:185-6 Mr '85

Amateur Scientist: How to Make Holograms and Experiment With Them or With Ready-Made Holograms. C. L. Stong il diags Sci Am 216:122-8 F '67

Anaylsis of a Computer-Generated Binary-Phase Hologram. P.L. Ransom and R.F. Henton. bibl il diag App Optics 13:2765-7 D '74

Analysis of a 4-Port Bragg Device. P.D. Bloch and L. Solymer. bibl diags Inst E.E. Proc 127H:133-7 Je '80

Analysis of a Low-Aberration Holographic Scanner. T. Shiozawa and H.Iwaoka. bibl diags Appl Opt 27: 1992-7 My 15 '88

Analysis of an Active Stabilization System for a Holographic Setup. J. Frejlich and others. bibl il diags Apl Opt 27: 1967-76 My 15 '88

Analysis of Holographic Thin Film Grating Coupler. K. Ogawa and W.S.C. Chang. diag App Optics 12:2167-71 S '73

Analysis of Multiple Hologram Optical Elements with Low Dispersion and Low Aberrations. J.N. Latta. bibliog diags App Optics 11:1686-96 Ag '72

Analysis of Propagation at the Second-Order Bragg Angle of a Thick Holographic Grating. R. Alferness: bibl diags Opt Soc Am J. 66:353-62 Ap '76

Analysis of Volume Holographic Cylindrical Lenses. R.R.A.Syms and L. Solymar. bibl diags Opt Soc Am J. 72:179-86 F. '82

Analysis of Wave-Front Aberrations Caused by Deformation of Hologram Media. M. Matsumura. bibliog diags Opt Soc Am J. 64: 677-81 My '74

Analytic Design of Optimum Holographic Optical Elements. J.N. Cederquist and J.R. Fienup. bibl diags J Opt Soc Am A 4:699-705 Ap '87

Analytic Optimisation for Holographic Optical Elements. E. Hasman and A.A. Friesem. bibl diag J. Opt Soc Am A 6:62-72 Ja '89

Anecdotes on Dennis Gabor's days at CBS Laboratories. L Beiser. Opt Eng 23:SR8+ Ja/F '84

Angular Selectivity of Lithium Niobate Volume Holograms. T.K.Gaylord and F. K. Tittel. bibliog Diags J. App Phys 44: 4771-3 O '73

Anomalies of All-Dialectric Multilayer Coated Reflection Gratings as a Function of Groove Profile: an Experimental Study. L.B. Mashev and E. G Loewen. il Appl Opt 27:31-2 Ja 1 '88

Antenna-Aperture Distributions from Holographic Type of Radiation-Pattern measurement. P.J. Napler and R.H.T. Bates, bibliog diags Inst E.E.Proc 120:30-4 Ja'73

Application of Computer-Generated Holograms to Testing Optical Elements K.G. Birch and F. J. Green. bibliog 2pls diags App Phys 5:1982-92 N '72

Applications of Holography. bibl il diags Opt Eng 24:723-819 S/O '85

Applications of Laser Light. D. R. Herriott. il map diags Sci Am 219:140-4+ S '68

Approximate Bandwidth and Diffraction Efficiency in Thick Holograms. J.E. Ludman. bibl diags Am J. Physis 50:244-6 Mr.'82

Architecture for Optical Computing Using Holographic Associative Memories. H. Mada. bibl diags Appl Opt 24;2063-6 Jl 15 '85

Augmented Laser Scan Equations for Lenticular or Holographic Elements. LBeiser. bibl diags Appl Opt 22:1264-5 My 1 '83

Automatic design of Holographic Gratings for Seya-Namioka Monochromators A. Takahashi and T. Katayama. bibl diag Opt Soc Am J. 68: 1254-6 S'78

Automatic Shutter for Holography. L.H. Lin and H.L. Beauchamp. diag R. Sci Instr 41:1438-40 O '70

Beam Expander for Making Large Rainbow Holograms. diags Appl Opt 26:1815 My 15 "87

Beam Ratio in Multiple-Exposure Volume Holograms. K. Bazargan and others. bibl diags J Phys D. 21 no10S:S160-3 O 14 '88

Bibliography on Holograms. R.P. Chambers and J.S. Courtney-Pratt SMPTE J. 75:373-435, 759-73+ Ap.Ag '66

Binary Computer-Generated Holograms. W.H. Lee. bibl il diags App Opt 18:3661-9 N 1 '79

Binary Fraunhofer Holograms, Generated by Computer. A.W. Lohmann and D.P. Paris. bibliog il diags AP Optics 6:1739-48 O '67

Binary Holographic LO Beam Multiplexer for IR Imaging Detector Arrays. W.B. Veldkamp and E.J. Van Allen. bibl il diags Appl Opt 22:1497-507 My 15 '83

Binary Phase Digital Reflection Holograms: Fabrication and Potential Applications. N.C. Gallagher, jr and others. bibl il diags App Opt 16:413-17 F. '77

Binary Synthetic Holograms. W.-H. Lee bibliog il diags App Optics 13: 1677-82 Jl "74

Boundary Conditions for a Thick Hologram Grating S.R. Seshadri. IEEE Proc 66:1080-2 S '78

Bragg Diffraction in Hologram Gratings with Multiple Internal Reflections. H. Kogelnik. diag Opt Soc Am J. 57:431-3 Mr '67

Bragg Effect Waveguide Coupler Analysis. W.Y. Wang and T.J. Dilaura. bibl diags App Opt 16: 3230-6 D '77

Broadband Imaging with Holographic Lenses. D. Falklis and G.M. Morris. bibl il diags Opt Eng 28:592-8 Je "89

CAD Holograms Cut the Cost of 3D Plant Modelling. V.Wyman. Engineer 264:44 Mr 19 '87

CO2 Laser Beam Shaping With Computer Generated Holograms. D.W. Sweeney and others. bibl il diag App Opt 16:547-9 Mr '77

Cell-Oriented On-axis Computer-Generated Holograms for use in the Fresnel Diffraction Mode. Y.H. Wu and P.Chavel. bibl il diags Appl Opt 23:228-38 Ja 15'84

Characteristics of Active and Passive 2-D Holographic Scanner Imaging Systems for the Middle Infrared. C.S. Ih and others. bibl diags Appl Opt 19:2041-5 Je 15 '80

Characteristics of Holographic Scanners Utilizing a Concave Auxiliary Reflector. C.S. Ih and others. bibl diags App Opt 20:1656-63 My 1 '81

Characteristics of Relief Phase Holograms Recorded in Photoresists. R.A. Bartolini bibliog il diags App Optics 13:129-39 Ja '74

Characterization of Volume and Phase Holographic Gratings. M Quintanilla and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 23:214-17 Ja 15 '84;

Checking Lenses with Holograms. J. Dunn. il Engineer 260:40 F. 7 '85

Coherence Requirements in Holography. M. Bertolotti and others bibliog il diag Opt Soc Am J 57:1526-9 D'67

Coherent Optical Target Recognition Through a Phase Distorting Medium. H.W. Rose and others. il diag Ap Optics 10:515-18 Mr '71

Coherent Transfer Function of a Hololens/Parabolic Optical Fiber System. E. Guibelaide and M.L. Calvo. bibl diags Opt Eng 26:499-506 Je '87

Compact Optical Data Processor Employing Holographic Reflective Lenses. P.C. Mehta and others. bibl il diags App Opt 16:445-53 F '77

Compact Optical Head Using a Holographic Optical Element for CD Players. Y.Kimura and others. il diags Appl Opt 27:668-71 F. 15 '88

Comparison Between Electrical and Free Space Optical Interconnects for Fine Grain Processor Arrays Based on Interconnect Density Capabilities. M. R. Feldman and others. bibl diags Appl Opt 28:3820-9 S.15 "89

Comparison of Deterministic Phase Coding With Random Phase Coding in Terms of Dynamic Range. H. Akahori. bibliog diag App Optics 12:2336-43 O '73

Comparison of Stereograms; Pinhole, Fly's eye, and Holographic Types. J.T. McCrickerd. bibliog diag Opt Soc Am J 62:64-70 Ja '72

Compensation of Aberrations Due to a Wavelength Shift in Holography. J.M. MOran. il diags App Optics 10:1909-13 Ag '71

Compensation of Wavelength-Shift Aberrations in an off-axis Holographic Zone Plate. E. Wihardjo and others. bibl il diags Opt Eng 25:871-4 Jl '86

Computer-Aided X-ray Holographic Imaging System. T. Sato and others. bibl diags App Opt 20:2468-75 Jl 15'81

Computer Analysis of Holographic Systems by Means of Vector Ray Tracing. H.W. Holloway and R.A. Ferrante. bibl il diags App Opt 20:2081-4 Je 15 '81

Computer-Based Analysis of Hologram Imagery and Aberrations. J.N. Latta. bibliog diags Ap Optics 10:599-618 Mr '71

Computer-Based Analysis of Holography Using Ray Tracing J.N. Latta. bibliog diags App Optics 10:2698-710 D '71

Computer-Drawn Modulated Zone Plates. A. Engel and G. Herziger. bibliog il diags App Optics 12:471-9 Mr '73

Computer-Generated Double-Phase Holograms C. K. Hsueh and A.A. Sawchuk. bibl il diags App Opt 17:3874-83 D 15 '78

Computer-Generated Hologram: Null Lens Test of Aspheric Wavefronts. J.C. Wyant and P.K. O'Neill. bibl il diag App Optics 13:2762-5 D '74

Computer-Generated Hologram Recording Using a Laser Printer. A.J. Lee and D.P. Casasent. bibl il diag Appl Opt 26:136-8 Ja 1 '87

Computer-Generated Holograms: Carrier of Polar Geometry. G. Neugebauer and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 24:777-84 Mr 15 '85

Computer-Generated Holograms: Defect Resistance by Object Phase Manipulation. F. Wyrowski and others. bibl il diags J. Opt Soc Am A 3:1840-5 N '86

Computer-Generated Holograms: Display Using One-Dimensional Transforms. D. Leseberg. bibl il diags J. Opt Soc Am A 3:1846-51 N '86

Computer Generated Holograms for Geometric Transformations. J. Cederquist and A.M. Tai. bibl il diags Appl Opt 23:3099-104 S 15 '84

Computer Generated Holograms for Testing Asheric Lenses. T. Takahashi and others. bibl il diags App Optics 15:546-9 F '76

Computer-Generated Holograms for Testing Optical Elements A.J. MacGovern and J.C. Wyant il diags Ap Optics 10:619-24 Mr '71

Computer-Generated Holograms in Pattern Recognition: a Review. D. Casasent. bibl il diags OptEng 24:724-30 S/O '85

Computer-Generated Holograms of Three-Dimensional Objects Composed of Line Segments. Ch. Frere and others. bibl il diag J. Opt Soc Am A 3:726-30 My '86

Computer-Generated Holograms: Structure manipulation. D. Just and others. il diags J Opt Soc Am A 2:644-8 My '85

Computer-Generated Holograms with Error Compensation. W. Freude and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 27:138-46 Ja 1'88

Computer-Generated Holograms with Pulse-Density Modulation. R. Hauck and O. Bryngdahl. bibl il diags J. OptSoc Am A 1:5-10 Ja '84

Computer-Generated Holographic Component with Optimum Light Efficiency. H. Bartelt. bibl diags Appl Opt 23:1499-502 My 15 '84

Computer-Generated Holography and Optical Testing. J.S. Loomis. bibl il diags Opt Eng 19:679-85 S/O '80

Computer-Generated Holography: Hologram Repetition and Phase Manipulations. F. Wyrowski and others. bibl il diags J Opt Soc Am A 4:694-8 Ap '87

Computer-Generated Microwave Kinoforms. N.C. Gallagher and D. W. Sweeney. bibl il diags Opt Eng 28:599-604 Je "89

Computer-Generated Polarization Hologram; Experimental Verification. Y. Mitsuhashi and others. bibl il App Opt 16:1138-40 My '77

Computer Holograms Made Cheaper, Faster. Electro-Tech 84:43-4 Jl '69

Computer Holograms with a Desk-Top Calculator. J.S. Marsh and R.C. Smith bibl il diags Am J. Phys 44:774-7 Ag '76

Computerized Design and Generation of Space-Variant Holographic Filters: Applications of Space-Variant Filters to Optical Computing. P. Ambs and others. Bibl il diags Appl Ppt 27:4761-5 N 15 '88

Computerized Design and Generation of Space-Variant Holographic Filters: System Design Considerations and Applications of Space-Variant Filters to Image Processing. P. Ambs

Computer Originated Aspheric Holographic Optical Elements. R.C. Fairchild and J.R. Fienup. bibl il diags Opt Eng 21:133-40 Ja/F '82

Computer Produced Holograms for Scanners Utilizing an Auxiliary Reflector. C.S. Ih and others. bibl il diags App Opt 17:1582-6 My 15 '78

Computer Simulation of Holographic Grating Exposure. R.H.M. Dumas and P.J.R. Laybourn. bibl flow chart il diags IEE Proc Part J 132:331-5 D'8

Conjugate Diffraction Order in a Volume Holographic Off-Axis Lens. R. Ferrante and others. bibl il diags Opt Soc Am J. 71-1385-9 N '91

Conjugate Wavefront Generation and Image Reconstruction by Real-time Holography. Z. Jingjiang and others. bibl il diag Opt Eng 25:677-8 My '86

Considerations on Holographic Memories in the Gigabyte Region. H.Kiemle. bibliog il diags App Optics 13:803-7 Ap '74

Contact Printing Method Utizing Heated Photo-resistant Adhesive Property for Hologram Copying. M. Nakano and N. Nishida. bibl il diags App Opt 18:3073-4 S. 15 '79

Contour Map display using Computer-Generated Holograms. W.H. Lee. bibl il App Optics 14:2447-52 O '75

Coordinate Transformations via Multifacet Holographic Optical Elements. H. Bartelt and S. K. Case. bibl il diags Opt Eng 22:497-500 Jl/Ag '83

Copying Reflection Holograms. C.N. Kurtz. bibliog diags Opt Soc Am J 58:856-7 Je '68

Correction of Unequal Longitudinal and Lateral Magnification in Holography. D.C.Winter. diags App Optics 10:2551-3 N '71

Correlation Properties of Random Phase Diffusers for Multiplex Holography. E.L. Dral and others. bibl diags App Opt 21:1281-90 Ap 1 '82

Coupled Wave Theory for Multiple Exposed Thick Holographic Gratings. S.K.Case. bibl il diags Opt Soc Am J. 65: 724-9 Je'75

Coupled Wave Theory for Thick Hologram Gratings. H. Kogelnik. diags Bell System Tech J. 48:2909-47 bibliog(p 2945-7) N '69

Coupling in Doubly Exposed, Thick Holographic Gratings. A.Alferness and S.K. Case. bibl diag Opt Soc Am J. 65:730-9 Je '75

Crosstalk Noise from Multiple Thick-Phase Holograms. W. J. Burke and P. Sheng. bibl J. App Phys 48:681-5 F'77

Cylindrical Holography and Some Proposed Applications. T. H. Jeong. il diags Opt Soc Am J. 57:1396-8 N. '67

Data Storage, Retrieval, and Replication Using Photoanodically Engraved Holograms. A. L. Dalisa and D.J. Debitetto. bibliog il diags App Optics 11:2007-15 S'72

Dennis Gabor, Holography and the Nobel Prize. E.N. Leith. IEEE Proc 60:652-4 Je '72

Dephasing Measure in the Diffractionby a Hologram Grating. S.R.Seshadri. IEEE Proc 66:1079-80 S '78

Describing Holographic Optical Elements as Lenses. W.C. Sweatt. bibl diags Opt Soc Am J. 67:803-8 Je'77

Design and Synthesis of Random Phase Diffusers. C.N. Kurtz and others. bibliog diags Opt Soc Am J. 63:1080-92 S '73

Design Considerations for Holographic Optical Interconnects. R.K. Kostuk and others. bibl diags Appl Opt 26:3947-53 S 15'87

Design Considerations of 2-D Holographic Scanners. C.S. Ih. bibl diags App Opt 17:738-54 Mr 1 '78

Design Methods for a Holographic Head-up Display Curved Combiner. R.L. Fisher. diags Opt Eng 28:616-21 Je '89

Design of Aberration-Balanced High-Efficiency Focusing Holographic Gratings. R. Vila and others. bibl diag Appl Opt 27:3013-19 Jl 15 '88

Design of a New Medium for Volume Holographic Information Processing. M.S. Cohen. bibl ildiags Appl Opt 25:2288-94 Jl 15 '86 Design of Holographic Concave Gratings for Seya-Namioka Monochromators. H. Noda and others. bibl diag Opt Soc Am J. 64:1043-8 Ag '74

Design of Holographic Optical Elements by Using Recursive Techniques. Y. Amitai and A.A. Friesem. bibl il diags J. Opt Soc Am A 5:702-12 My '88

Design of Photopolymer Holograms for Optical Interconnect Applications. J.C. Kirsch and others. bibl il diags Opt Eng 27:301-8 Ap '88

Design Relationships for Holographic Memories. A.V. Lugt. diags App Optics 12:1675-85

Design Techniques for Forming 488-nm Holographic lenses with Reconstruction at 633 nm. M.R. Latta and R.V. Pole. bibl il diags App Opt 18:2418-21 Jl 15'79

Designing and Constructing Thick Holographic Optical Elements. W.C. Sweatt. bibl flow chart il diags App Opt 17:1220-7 Ap 15 '78

Designing Efficient Aberration-Free Holographic Lenses in the Presence of a Construction-Reconstruction Wavelength Shift.K. Winick. bibl diags Opt Soc Am J 72:143- 8 Ja '82

Determination of Physical Parameters and Processes in Hologram Formantion in Ferroelectrics. S.F. Su and T.K. Gaylord. bibl J App Phys 47:2757-8 Je '76

Deterministic Diffusers for Holography. W.J. Dallas. bibliog il diags App Optics 12:1179-87 Je '73

Detour Phase Error in the Lohmann Hologram. J.Bucklew and N. Gallagher. jr. bibl diag App Opt 18:575-80 F 15 '79

Development Effects and the MTF of High Resolution Photographic Materials for Holography. K. Biedermann and S. Johansson. bibliog diag Opt Soc Am J. 64: 862-70 Je '74

Dichromated Gelatin Holograms and Their Applications B.J. Chang. bibl il diags Opt Eng 19:642-8 S/O '80

Dichromated Gelatin Holograms Derived from Agfa 8E75 HD Plates. J. Oliva and others. bibl Appl Opt 23:196-7 Ja 15 '84

Dichromated Gelatin for the Fabrication of Holographic Optical Elements. B.J. Chang and C. D. Leonard. bibl diags App Opt 18:2407-17 Jl 15 '79

Dichromated Gelatin of Improved Optical Quality. M. Chang. bibliog App Optics 10:2550-1 N '71

Dielectric Photorefractive Crystals as the Storage Medium in Holographic Memory Systems. A.Agranat and Y Yacoby. bibl diags J. Opt Soc Am B 5:1792-9 Ag '88

Diffraction by Thick, Periodically Statified Gratings with Complex Dielectric Constant. F.G.Kasper. bibliog il diags OptSoc Am J 63:37-45 Ja '73

Diffraction Efficiency Improvement of Undeveloped Dichromated Gelatin Gratings. S. Calixto and R.A. Lessard. bibl diag Appl Opt 24:317-18 F 1 '85

Diffraction Efficiency of Evanescent-Wave Holograms. W.H. Lee and W. Streifer. bibl diags Opt Soc Am J. 68:795-805 Je '78

Diffraction Efficiency of Specular Multiplexed Holograms Recorded on Kodak 649F plates. J.J.A. Couture and R.A. Lessard. bibl diags App Opt 18:3652-60 N.1'79

Diffraction-limited Holography. R.J. Bieringer and J.A. Ringlien. bibliog il diags App Optics 10:1632-5 Jl '71

Diffraction Pattern Sampling Using a Computer-Generated Hologram. D. Casasent and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 25:983-9 Mr 15 '86

Diffraction Pattern Sampling Using a Holographic Optical Element in an Imaging Configurationl. M.J. Simpson. bibl diags Appl Opt 26:1786-91 My 1 '87

Diffractive Optical Elements for use in Infrared Systems. G. J. Swanson and W.B. Veldkamp. diags Opt Eng 28:605-8 Je '89

Digital Holography T.S. Huang. il diags IEEE Proc 59:1335-46 bibliog(p1345-6) S '71

Digital in'line Holographic Techniques for Long Wavelength Imaging K.H.S. Marie and others. bibl il diags Inst E.E. Proc 129H:211-20 Ag '82

Diffraction Theory Description of Bleached Holograms. L.F. Collins. bibliog diags Ap Optics 7:1236-7 Je'68

Diffuse-Object Holograms in Dichromated Gelatin. J. Oliva and others. App Opt 21:2891-3 Ag 15'82

Diode Lasers and Hologratings Make Low Cost Optical Head Assemblies. G.T. Forrest. il diag Laser Focus 23:26+ S'87

Dispersion Effects in Relief Holograms Immersed in Near Index Matched Liquids or Christiansen Revisited. H.J. Gerritsen. bibl Appl Opt 25:2382-5 Jl 15 '86

Dry Photopolymer Film for Recording Holograms. R.H. Wopschall and T.R Pampalone. App Optics 11:2096-7 S '72

Dry Polymer for Holographic Recording. S. Calixto. bibl il Appl Opt 26:3904-10 S 15 '87

Dual-Phase Holograms: Improved Design. J.N. Mait and K-H Brenner. bibl il diags Appl Opt 26:4883-92 N 15 '87

Dye-Induced Stabilization of Bleached Holograms. S.L.Norman. bibliog diag App Optics 11:1234-40 My '72

Dye Removal from Holographic Films. D.B. Coblitz and J.A. Carney. App Optics 13: 1994-5 S '74

Dynamic Optical Interconnects: Volume Holograms as Optical Two-Port Operators. D.Z. Anderson and D.M. Lininger. bibl il diags Appl Opt 26:5031-8 D 1'87

Echelle and Holographic Gratings Compared for Scattering and Spectral Resolution. J. Kielkopf. bibl diags App Opt 20:3327-31 O 1 '81

Effect of Emulsion Thickness on the Diffraction Efficiency of Amplitude Holograms. H. M. Smith. bibliog diag Opt Soc Am J. 62: 802-6 Je '72

Effect of Emulsion Thickness Variations on Wavefront Reconstruction. A.D. Gara and F.T.S. Yu. bibliog diags Ap Optics 10:1324-8 Je '71

Effect of Film Resolution and Size in Holography. A.Kozma and J.S. Zelenka. bibliog diags Opt Soc Am J. 60:34-43 Ja '70

Effect of Medium Nonlinearity in Holography; Modification to the Kozma Model. H.C. Schau. bibl App Opt 21:1712-13 My 15 '82

Effect of Polymer Host on Volume Phase Holographic Recording Properties. A. Bloom and others. bibl Polym Eng & Sci 17:356-8 Je '77

Effect of Reference and Illuminating Sources Size in Holography. W.T. Cathey. bibl diags Opt Soc Am J. 69:273-7 F '79

Effects of the Relative Phase Relationships of Gratings on Diffraction From Thick Holograms. N. Tsukads and others. bibl diags Opt Soc Am J 69:705-11 My '79

Efficiences of Zone Plates and Phase Zone Plates. M.N. Horman. bibliog Ap Optics 6:2011-13 N '67

Efficient and Abberation-Free Wavefront Reconstruction From Holograms Illuminated at Wavelengths Differing from the Forming Wavelength. L.H. Lin and E.T. Doherty. il diags Ap Optics 10:1314-18 Je '71

Efficiency of a Dielectric Grating. C.B. Burckhardt. diag Opt Soc Am J 57:601-3 My '67

Efficiency of a Holographic Wave-Front Converter. H. Nishihara. bibl diags App Opt 21: 1995-2000 Je 1 '82

Efficiency and Image Contrast of Dielectric Holograms. J. Upatnieks and C. Leonard. bibliog diags Opt Soc AM J 60:297-305 Mr '70

Electrically Accessible Lippmann Hologram Memory. T. Yasuhira and others. bibl il App Opt 16:2532-4 S'77

Electroforming for Holographic Reproduction. R. Edwards. Plat Surf Finish 75:30-1 Mr '88

Electron Beam Fabrication of Computer-Generated Holograms. S.M. Arnold. bibl diags Opt Eng 24:803-7 S/O '85

Electron-Beam-Generated Holographic Masks for Optical Vector-Matrix Multiplication. S.M. Arnold and S.K. Case. bibl il diags Opt Eng 23:79-82 Ja/F '84

Electron Donors and Heat Treatment; Their Effect on the Diffraction Efficiency of Dichromated Gelatin Reflection Holograms. M. Mazakova and others. bibl Appl Opt 24:2156-60 Jl 15 '85

Elimination of Rear Reflections in Holographic Plates. O.D.D. Soares. diag AM J Phys 48:409-10 My '80

Elimination of Wavefront Aberration of Optical Elements Used in Phase Difference Amplification. S. Toyooka. bibl il diag App Optics 13:2014-18 S '74

Equivalence of Ruled, Holographic, and Lameliar Gratings in Constant Deviation Mountings. M. Breidne and D. Maystre. bibl diags App Opt 19:1812-21Je 1 '80

Equivalent-Lens Theory of Holographic Imaging. W. Lukosz. diags Opt Soc Am J 58:1084-91 Ag '68

Erasable Ablative Holographic Recording. W.T. Maloney and J.B. Thaxter. diags App Optics 11:2993-4 D '72

Error Rates in Computer-Generated Holographic Memories. R.S. Powers and J.W. Goodman. bibl il diags App Optics 14:1690-701 Jl '75

Evaluation of a Technique for the Design and Manufacture of an Off-Axis Holographic Lens in Dichromated Gelatin. H.D. Tholl and others . j Phys D. 21 no102:299- 101 O 14 '88

Evaluation of Hologram Aberrations by Ray Tracing. I.A. Abramowitz and J.M. Ballantyne. bibliog diags Opt Soc Am J 57:1522-6 D '67

Evaluation of Large Aberrations Using a Lateral-Shear Interferometer Having Variable Shear. M.P. Rimmer and J.C. Wyant. bibl il diags App Optics 14:142-50 Ja '75

Experimental Holographic Read-Write Memory Using 3-D Storage. L. D'Auria and others. bibliog il diags App Optics 13:808-18 Ap '74

Experimental Investigation of Some Anomalies in Photographic Plates. A.A. Friesem and J.L. Walker. il Ap Optics 8:1504-6 Jl '69

Experiments in Digital Holographic Recording K. Hacking. bibl il diags Radio & Electron Eng. 50:367-73 Jl '80

Experiments in Long-Distance Holographic Imagery. J.W. Goodman and others. bibliog il diags Ap Optics 8:1581-6 Ag '69

F-16's Headup Display Developed for Lantirn. il diags Aviation W 114:141+Je 8 '81

Fabrication of Thin Periodic Structures in Photoresist: a Model. S. Austin and F.T. Stone. bibl diags App Optics 15:1071-4 Ap '76

Femtosecond Laser Pulse Compression Using Volume Phase Transmission Holograms. T.-Y. Yang and others. bibl diags Appl Opt 24:2021-3 Jl l '85

Fermat Ray Tracing Through a HOE. P.E. Verboven and P.E. Lagasse. bibl diags Appl Opt 24:3427-9 N 1 '85

Fiberoptics Linked to Holography. M. Moretti. il Laser Focus 24:116+ Je '88

Fifth-Order Hologram Aberrations. J.N. Latta. il Ap Optics 10:666-7 Mr '71

Film-Grain Noise in Holography. L. Celaya and S. Mallick. bibl diags Opt Soc Am J 69:278-9 F '79

First Holographic HUD Handed Over to SUAF. il Electron & Power 28: 293 Ap '82

Fixation-Free Methods in Bleached Reflection Holography. J. Crespo and others. bibl Appl Opt 25:1642-5 My 15 '86

Fixing of Photopolymer Holograms. J.A. Jenney. bibliog Opt Soc Am J 61:1116-17

Flat-Field Linearized Scans with Reflection Dichromated Holographic Gratings. Y. Ishii and K. Murata. bibl il diags Appl Opt 23:1999-2006 Je 15 '84

Fly By Night by LANTIRN (Holographic Head-up Displays) S. Birch. il Engineer 260:18-19 my 9 '85

Focusing Grating Coupler Design Method Using Holographic Optical Elements. P.J. Cronkite and G.N. Lawrence. bibl diags Appl Opt 27:679-83 F 15 '88

Focusing Hologram Diffraction Grating. L. Rosen. bibliog il diags R Sci Instr 38:438- 40[ Mr '67

Formation of Blazed Gratings. O. Bryngdahl. il diag Opt Soc Am J 60:140-1 Ja '70

Formation of Carrier Frequency Holograms With an On-axis Reference Beam. C.B. Burckhardt and E.T. Doherty. il diag Ap Optics 7:1191-2 Je '68

Fourier Synthesis for Fabricating Blazed Gratings Using Real-Time Recording Effects in a Positive Photoresist. L. Cescato and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 27:1988-91 My 15 '88

Fourier-Transform Holograms by Fresnel Zone-Plate Achromatic-Fringe Interferometer. M. Kato and T. Suzuki. il diags Opt Soc Am J. 59:303-7 Mr '69

Frequency-Modulated Zone Plate for Coherent Noise Reduction. P.C. Mehta and R. Hradaynath. bibl il diags App Opt 18:2395-7 Jl 15 '79

Fresnel Zone Plate; Anomalous Foci. J. Higbie. diag Am J Phys 44:929-30 O '76

Gaussian Beam Effects in Far-Field In-Line Holography. C.S. Vikram and M.L. Billet. bibl diags Appl Opt 22:2830-5 S 15 '83

General Form for Aberration Coefficients in Holography. J.M. Rebordao. bibl J Opt Soc Am A 1:788-90 Jl '84

General Theory for Performing an Optical Transform. Benyuan Gu and others. bibl diags Appl Opt 25:3197-206 S 15 '86

General Theory of Holography. B.P. Hildebrand. bibliog diags Opt Soc Am J 60:1511-17 N '70

Generalized Equations for the Resolution of Laser Scanners. L. Beiser. bibl diags Appl Opt 22:3149-51 O 15 '83

Generalized Fourier-Transform Holography and its Applications. T.C. Lee and D. Gossen. bibliog il diags Ap Optics 10:961-3 Ap '71

Generalized Holographic Formation of a Lensless Fourier Transform. J. Ojeda- Castaneda and others. bibl il diags App Opt 18:3550-2; 19:485-7 1386-90 N 1 '79 F 15, Mh 1 '80

Geometric Medel for Holography. T. H. Jeong. bibl il diags AM J Phys 43:714-17 Ag '75

Geometric Theory of the Grating. H. Noda and others. bibl diags Opt Soc Am J 64:1031-6 Ag '74

Geometrical Optics of Holograms. H.H. Arsenault. bibl diags Opt Soc Am J. 65:903- 8 Ag '75

Geometry of Recording and Color Sensitivity for Evanescent Wave Holography Using a Gaussian BEam. J. Woznicki. bibl diags App Opt 19:631-7 F. 15 '80

Grating Efficiency Theory as it Applies to Blazed and Holographic Gratings. E.G. Loewen and others. bibl App Opt 16:2711-21 O'77

Grating Interactions in Holograms Recorded With Two Object Waves. C.W. Slinger and L. Solymar. bibl diags Appl Opt 25:3283-7 S 15 '86

Head-up Display Turns to Holograms for brighter images (LANTIRN)Electron Design 30:64 My 27 '82

Head-up Displays in Avionics. L. Ravich. il diags Laser Focus 22:78-80+ Ap '86

Heads-up Display Gives Better View with Holographic Lenses E. Kleiner. diags Mach Design 53:98-9 N 12'81

Head-up Hologram. diag Electronics 42:46-7 Je 23 '69

Heat Processed Photoresist for Holographic Data Storage Applications. R.G. Zech and Others. Bibliog il diags App Optics 12:2822-7 D '73

Heterodyne Readout for REad-Write Holographic Memories. R.S. Mezrich and W. C. Stewart. bibliog il diags App Optics 12:2677-82 N. '73

Hexagonal Sampling Techniques Applied to Fourier and Fresnel Digital Holograms. P.K. Murphy and N.C. Gallagher. bibl il diags Opt Soc Am J 72:929-37 Jl'82

High Aspect-Ratio Holographic Photoresist Gratings. S.H. Zaidi and S.R.J. Brueck. bibl il diags Appl Opt 27:2999-3002 Jl 15 '88

High-Dispersion Astronomical Spectroscopy with Holographic and Ruled Diffraction Gratings. D.Dravins. bibl diags App Opt 17:404-14 F. 1 '78

High-Efficiency Hybrid Computer-Generated Holograms. H. Bartelt and S.K. Case bibl il doags App Opt 21:2886-90 Ag 15'82

High-Frequency Holographic Transmission Gratings in Photoresist. R.C. Enger and S.K. Case. bibl il diags J Opt Soc Am 73:1113-18 S '83

High Quality Computer Holograms; the Problem of Phase Representation. P. Chavel and J.P. Hugonin. bibl il diags Opt Soc Am J. 66:989-96 O '76

High-Resolution Fresnel Zone Plates for X-Ray Applications by Spatial-Frequency Multiplication. W.B. Yun and M.R. Howells. bibl diags J Opt Soc Am A 4:34-40 Ja '87

High Speed Holographic Digital Recorder. H.N. Roberts and others. bibliog il diags App Optics 13:841-56 Ap '74

High SNR in Bleached Silver-Halide Holography. J.Oliva and others App Opt 21:171 Ja 15 '82

Higher Diffraction Orders in On-Axis Holographic Lenses. R.R.A. Syms and L. Solymar. bibl diags Appl Opt 21:3263-8 S 15 '82

Higher Order Aberrations in Holographic Lenses. P.C. Mehta and others. bibl Appl Opt 21:4553-8D 15 '82

Holo-Diagram (cont.) N. Abramson. bibliog il diags App Optics 10:2155-61; 11:1143- 7 S '71. My '72

Hologon Laser-Beam Deflectors Meet Cost/Performance Criteria for Graphic Arts Applications. C.J. Kramer. bibl il diags Laser Focus 24:94+ Je '88

Hologon System Cuts Cost of Laser Scanners. diag. Design N 37:16 Ag 3 '81

Hologram Formation in Hardened Dichromated Gelatin Films. L.H. Lin. il Ap Optics 8:963-6 My '69

Hologram Formation with Red Light in Methylene Blue Sensitized Dichromated Gelatin. T. Kubota and others. bibl il App Optics 15:556-8 F '76

Hologram Fringe Stabilization Method. D.R. McQuigg. bibl diag App Opt 16:291-2 F '77

Hologram Gratings; Amplitude and Phase Components. T.R. Bader. bibl diags App Optics 14:2818-19 D '75

Hologram LCD are the Keys to Head-up Display. diag Elecronics 50:41-2 S 29 '77

Hologram Laser-Beam Corrector and Combiner for a Satellite Data Lind. W.H. Carter and H.J. Caulfied. bibl diags Appl Opt 24:2150-5 jl 15 '85

Hologram Lens Studied for Display Applications. diag Computer Design 13:52 N '74

Hologram Recording by Visible Diode Lasers. K. Tatsuno and A. Arimoto. il diag App Opt 19:2096-7 Jl 1 '80

Hologram Recording With a New Photopolymer System. R.T. Ingwall and H.L. Fielding. bibl diag Opt Eng. 24:808-11 S/O '85

Hologram Visual Displays. E.N. Leith and others. bibliog il diags SMPTE J 75:323-6 Ap '66

Hologram Writer Using a Plasma Display Panel. T. Inagaki and others. bibliog il diag App Optics 13:819-24 AP '74

Holograms for Optical Interconnects for very Large Scale Integrated Circuits Fabricated by Electron-Beam Lithography. M.R. Feldman and C.C. Guest. bibl il diags Opt Eng 28:915-21 Ag '89

Holograms in Dichromated Gelatin: Reat-Time Effects. J. C. Newell and others. bibl diags Appl Opt 24:4460-6 D 15 '85

Holograms Recorded in Matyerials with Depth-Removal-Effect on Exposure. C.S. Vikram and R.S. Sirohi. App Optics 10:2790-1 D '71

Holograph Switches Optical Signals. R.T. Gallagher. diag Elecronics 58:19-20 O 14'85

Holographic and Interferometric Viewing Screens. D. Meyerhofer. bibliog il diags App Opics 12:2180-4 S '73

Holographic Aspheric Gratings Printed With Aberrant Waves. M. Duban. bibl diags Appl Opt 26:4263-73 O 1 '87

Holographic 'Backplane' Aims to Swell Throughput of Multiprocessors (Hololink) M. Schindler. diag Electron Des 32:92 O 4 '84

Holographic Characteristics of 10E75 Plates for Single- and Multiple-Exposure Holograms. M.J. Landry and G.S. Phipps. bibl il App Optics 14:2260-6 S '75

Holographic Coding Plate; a New Application of Holographic Memory. N. Nishida and others. bibliog il diags App Optics 12:1663-74 Jl '73

Holographic Coherence Length of a Pulse Laser. L.D. Siebert. diags Ap Optics 10:632-7 Mr. '71

Holographic Correction of Aberrations using PLZT>C. DeHainaut and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 27:3551-5 Ag 15 '88

Holographic Correction of Both Chromatic and Spherical Aberrations of Single Glass Lenses. H. Madjidi-Zolbanine andC. Froehly. bibl il diags App Opt 18:2385-93 Jl 15 '79

Holographic Coupler for Fiber Optics. O.D.D. Soares. bibl diags Opt Eng 20:740-5 S/O '81

Holographic Coupler for Monomode Fiber. T. Yoshino and others. bibl diags Appl Opt 22: 1800-1 Je 15 '83

Holographic Coupler-Optical Fiber System: Mathematical Model for the Coupling Optimization. M.L. Calvo M.L. Calvo and L. De Pedraza. bibl diags Appl Opt 28:2031-8 Je 1 '89

Holographic Dielectric Grating; Theory and Practice. M. Chang and N. George. bibliog diags Ap Optics 9:713-19 Mr '70

Holographic Directing of High Energy Infrared Laser Beams. A Kalestynski and others. bibliog il diag App Optics 12:1749-51 Ag '73

Holographic Disk Recording of Digital Data with Fringe Stabilization. I. Satoh and M. Kato. bibl diags Appl Opt27:2987-92 Jl 15 '88

Holographic Disk Scanners for Bow-Free Scanning. Y. Ono and N. Nishida. bibl il diags Appl Opt 22:2132-6 Jl 15 '83

Holographic Elements with High Efficiency and Low Aberrations for Helmet Displays. Y. Amitai and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 28:3405-16 Ag 15 '89

Holographic Endoscopy with Gradient-Indes Optical Imaging Systems and Optical Fibers. G. Von Bally and Others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 25:3425-9 O 1 '86

Holographic Filter Spots Images from any Angle. C. Barney. il Electronics 59:37-8 S 4 '86

Holographic Filter That Transforms a Gaussian into a Uniform Beam. M. Quintanilla and A.M. de Frutos. App Opt 20:879-80 Mr 1 '81

Holographic Formation of Gratings in Optical Waveguiding Layers. V.E. Wood and others. bibl diag J App Phys 46:1214-15 Mr '75

Holographic Generation of Diffraction-Free Beams. J. Turunen and others. bibl diag Appl Opt 27:3959-62 O 1 '88

Holographic Grating Formation in Photopolymers; Polymethylimethacrylate. F.P. Laming. bibliog diags Polymer Eng & Sci il: 421-5 S. '71

Holographic Grating Scanners with Aberration Corrections. W.H. Lee. bibl il diags App OPt 16:1392-9 My '77

Holographic Gratings for the Physics Laboratory. S. George and others. bibl diags Am J Phys 55:1015-17 N '87

Holographic HUD for Boeing 727 Receives Category 3A Certification. Aviat Week Space Technol 122:45 My 20 '85

Holographic Image Intensification by Super-Position of Holograms. D.J. DeBitetto and A.L. Dalisa. il Ap Optics 9:2588-90 N '70

Holographic Image Projection Through Inhomogenous Media. H.Kogelnik. il Bell System Tech J 44:2451-5 D '65

Holographic Image of a Point Source in the Presence of Misalignment. I. Banyasz and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 27:1293-7 Ap 1 '88

Holographic Imaging and Aberrations Due to an Incorrectly Repositioned Hologram in a System with Lenses Having Aberrations. B. J. Lin and S.A. Collins. Jr. bibliog diags Opt Soc AM J 63:537-47 My '73

Holographic Imaging Through a Random Medium. H.Koglenik and K.S. Pennington. il diags Opt Soc Am J 58:273-4 F '68

Holographic Imaging Through Scatterers. H. J. Caulfield. il diags Opt Soc AM J 58:276-7 F '68

Holographic Incoherent Optical Transfer Function Syntheses: Analysis and Optimization. I. Glaser. bibl diags J Opt Soc Am A 3:681-93 My '86

Holographic Information Retrieval System. K. Tsukamoto and others. bibliog il diags App Optics 13:869-74 Ap '74

Holographic Laser Beam Deflector. R.V. Pole and H.P. Wollenmann. bibl diags App Optics 14:976-80 Ap '75

Holographic Laser Scanners for Multidirectional Scanning. Y. Ono and N. Nishida. bibl il diags Appl Opt 22:2128-31 Jl 15'83

Holographic Laser Scanners using Generalized Zone Plates. Y. Ono and N. Nishida. bibl il diags Appl Opt 21:4542-8 D 15 '82

Holographic Lateral Shear Interferometer. D. Malacara and S. Mallik. bibl il diags App Opt 15:2694-7 N. '76

Holographic Light Deflection. R.V. Pole and others. bibl diags App Opt 17:3294-7 O 15 '78

Holographic Memory Demonstrates Full Cycle Opteration. Computer Design 12:42 Ap '73

Holographic Methods for the Fabrication of Various Types of Mirrors. S. Ananda Rao and S.V. Pappu. bibl il diags R Sci Instr 51:809-13 Je '80

Holographic Microscope System Using a Triangular Interferometer. T.H. Jeong and H. Snyder. bibliog il diag App Optics 12:146-7 Ja '73

Holographic Mirrors. J.R. Magarinos and D.J. Coleman. bibl il diags Opt Eng 24:769- 80 S/O '85

Holographic Nondestructive Testing by an Optically Generated Zone Plate. N. Rodriguez and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 25:1908-11 Je 15 '86

Holographic Optical Configurations for Eye Protection Against Lasers. J.R. Magarinos and D.J. Co9leman. bibl diags Appl Opt 26:2575-81 Jl 1 '87

Holographic Optical Element for Visual Display Applications. D.G. McCauley and others. bibliog il diags App Optics 12:232-42 F '73

Holographic Optical Elements used as Stereoscopic Screens. D. Courjon and C. Bainier. il diags Appl Opt 21:3804-5 N. 1'82

Holographic Optical Elements With Optimized Phase-Transfer Functions. Y. Ono and N. Nishida bibl flow chart diags J. Opt Soc Am A 3:139-42 Ja '86

Holographic Optical Head for Compact Disk Applications. W. H. Lee. bibl diags Opt Eng 28:650-3 Je '89

Holographic Optical Interconnects for VLSI. L.A. Bergman and others. bibl il diags Opt Eng 25:1109-18 O '86

Holographic Optical Processing for Submicrometer Defect Detection. R.L. Fusek and others. bibl il diags Opt Eng 24:731-4 S/O '85

Holographic Optical Scanning Elements; Analytical Method for Determining the Phase Function. H.P. Herzig and R.Dandliker. bibl diags J Opt Soc Am A 4:1063-70 Je '87

Holographic Optical Scanning Elements with Minimum Aberrations. H.P. Herzig and R. Dandiliker. bibl il diags Appl Opt 27:4739-46 N 15 '88

Holographic Optical Schlieren System (HOSS) R. L. Kurtz and L.M. Perry. bibl il diags Opt Eng 18:243-8 My '79

Holographic Optics for a Matched-Filter Optical Processor. J.R. Fienup and C.D. Leonard. bibl il diags App Opt 18:631-40 Mr 1 '79

Holographic Reciprocity Law Failure. K.M. Johnson and others. bibl diags Appl Opt 23:218-27 Ja 15 '84

Holographic Recording and Reconstruction of Polarized Light With Dyed Plastic. S. Calixto and R.A. Lessard.bibl il diags Appl Opt 23:4313-18 D 1 '84

Holographic Recording by Dye-Sensitized Photopolymerization of Acrylamide. S. Sugawara and others. bibl il diag App Optics 14:378-82 F '75

Holographic Recording Mechanism in Photo-Conductor-Thermoplastic Devices. Z.Hirshfeld and others. bibl diag J App Phys 52:605-11 F '81

Holographic Recording on Photosensitive Iodide Films. M.R. Tubbs and others. il Brit J. Ap Phys ser 2 vol 2:197-200 F '69

Holographic Recording on Thermoplastic Films. T.C. Lee. bibliog il diag App Optics 13:888-95 Ap '74

Holographic Recording with Photopolymers. J.A. Jenney. bibliog il diag Opt Soc Am J 60:1155-61 S '70

Holographic Refractometer. D.H. McQueen. bibl diags Sci Instr 12:111-14 F '79

Holographic Scan With Geometric and Interferometric Zone Plates: a Clarification. L Beiser. bibl Appl Opt 22:1614-15 Je 1 '83

Holographic Scanners Read Bar Code at any Angle. il EDN 27:278 D. 17'82

Holographic Simulation of Parabolic Mirrors. G.D. Mintz and others. bibl diags App Optics. 14:564-5 Mr '75

Holographic Solar Concentrator. J.E. Ludman. bibl diags Appl Opt 21:3057-8 S 1 '82

Holographic Solar Concentrators. J. Hull and others. il diag Energy 12:209-15 Mr/Ap '87

Holographic Spatial Filters; a Modification to Minimize Beam Obstruction. P.Hariharan. diags App Opt 19:4127 D 15 '80

Holographic Spectral Imaging. K. Itoh and Y. Ohtsuka. bibl il diags J. Opt Soc Am A 3:1239-42 Ag '86

Holographic Systhesis of Computer-Generated Holograms. G.W. Stroke and others. bibliog il IEEE Proc 55:109-11 Ja '67

Holographic System for Automatic Surface Mapping. A.D. Gara and others. il diags App Optics 12:2172-9 S '73

Holographic Technique Using a Diffuser as a Beam Splitter. R. Pletsch. il diag Am J Phys 37:748-9 Jl '69

Holographic Telescope Arrays. A.W.Lohmann and F. Sauer. bibl il diags Appl Opt 27:3003-7 Jl 15 '88

Holographic Thin Film Couplers. H. Kokelnik and T.P. Sosnowski. bibliog diags Bell System Tech J 49:1602-8 S '70

Holographic Video Disk; an Alternative Approach to Optical Video Disks. Y. Tsunoda and others. bibl il diags App Optics 15:1398-403 Je '76

Holographic Zone Plates for f'0 and Collimating Lenses. Y. Ono and N. Nishida. diags Appl Opt 25:794-7 Mr. 1 '86

Holographically Formed Grazing-Incidence Reflection Grating with Stigmatic Soft X-ray Focal Isolation. R.J. Speer and others. il diags App Optics 13:1258-61 Je '74

Holographically Generated Lens. A.K. Richter and F.P. Carison. il diags App Optics 13:2924-30 D '74

Holographically Produced Parabolic Zone Plates. M.V. Perez and others. bibl il diags Opt Eng 26:461-6 My '87

Holographics Correct Optical System Aberrations. diags Des News 41:56 jA 7 '85

Holography, 1948-1971. D. Gabor. bibliog il diags IEEE Proc 60:655-68 Je '72; Same. Science 177:299-313 Jl 28 '72

Holography (Newport Corp.) il Mater Eval 44:30 Ja '86

Holography 1975: the first Decade; From the Inside Looking Out. S.A. Benton. App Optics 14:2795 D '75

Holography as a Tool in the Testing of Large Aperture Optics. B.P. Hildebrand and others. il diags Ap Optics 6:1267-9 Jl '67

Holography by Scanning. B.P. Hildbrand and K.A. Haines. il diags Opt Soc Am J 59:1-6 Ja '69

Holography for Aerodynamics. J.D. Trolinger. il diags Astronautics & Aeronautics 10:56-62 bibliog (p61-2) Ag '72

Holography: From Fun to Profit. M. Chang. il diag InTech 31:39-41 Mr '84

Holography in the IBM 3687 Supermarket Scanner L.D. Dickson and others. bibl diags IBM J. Res & Devel 26:228-34 Mr '82

Holography with Evanescent Waves. O. Bryngdahl. il diags Opt Soc Am J 59:1645-5 D '69

Holography's Practical Dimension; Scientific Investigation. E. Leith. bibliog il diags Electronics 39:88=94 Jl 25 '66

Holo-Lens Optical Spatial Frequency Processor. H.R. Manjunath and S.V. Pappu. bibl il diag App Optics 15:849-51 Ap '76

Holoscan: a Commercial Holographic ROM. K.K. Sutherlin and others. bibliog il diag App Optics 13:1345-54 Je '74

HoloTape; a Low-Cost Prerecorded Television System Using Holographic Storage. W.J. Hannan and others. bibliog il diags SMPTE J 82:905-15 N '73

HUD; Automotive Head-up Displays: Just Around the Corner. E. Dellis, il diag Automot Eng 96:106-10 F. '88

Hybrid Diffractive-Refractive Lenses and Achromats. T Stone and N. George. bibl diags Appl Opt 27:2960-71 Jl 15 '88

Hyperbolic Mirrors, Holography and Fermats Principle. E. P. Mosca. diag Am J. Phys 45:402-3 Ap '77 Discussion. G.P. Sastry. 47:194-5 F '79

Image Formation by Multifacet Holograms. P.R. Haugen and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 22:2822-9 S. 15 '83

Image Improvement and Three-dimensional Reconstruction Using Holographic Image Processing. G.W. Stroke and others. il diags IEEE Proc 65:39-62 bibl (p60-2) Ja '77

Image Quality of Local Reference Beam Image Plane Holograms. W.T. Cathey, Jr. bibliog Am J. Phys 39:453 Ap '71

Imaging of Atoms; Three-Dimensional Molecular Structure Reconstructions using Opto-Digital Computing. G.W. Stroke and others. bibl il diag IEEE PRoc 65:589-91 Ap '77

Imaging Performance of Generalized Holography. K.J. Langenberg and others. bibl il diags J. Opt Soc Am A 3:329-39 Mr '86

Imaging Properties of Holographic Gratings. C.H. F. Velzel bibl diags Opt Soc Am J. 67: 1021-7 Ag '77

Improved Development for Holograms Recorded in Photoresist. R.A. Bartolini. App Optics 11: 1275-6 My '72

Improved Wadsworth Mounting with Aspherical Holographic Grating. M. Duban. App Opt 19:2488-9 Ag 1 '80

Improvement of Image Quality in Bleached Holograms. A Fimia and others. Appl Opt 21:3412-13 O 1 '82

Improvement of Nonuniformity of the Reconstructed Beam Intensity From a Multiple- Exposure Hologram. N. Nishida and M. Sakaguchi. Ap Optics 10:439-40 F '71

Improving the Efficiency of Very Low Efficiency Holograms by copying. J.C. Palias and J.A. Wise. diags Ap Optics 10:667-8 Mr '71

Incoherent Diffraction Correlator with a Holographic Filter. O.I. Potaturkin. App Opt 18:4203-5 D 15 '79

The Influence of Holography on Measurement Technology. J.W.C.gates. bibl (p.1006-7) il J Phys E 19:990-1007 D '86

Influence of the Emulsion Thickness on Multiplexed Image Holography. S. Pantelis and Others. bibl il diag Appl Opt 24:1566-8 Je1 '85

Infrared Holograms Recorded at 10.6 um and Reconstructed at 0.6328 um. R.R. Roberts and T.D. Black. bibl il diags App Opt 15:2018-19 S'76

Infrared Holography using the Thermochromic Material Cu2HgI4. J.M. Yang and D.W. Sweeney. bibl il diag App Opt 18:2398-406 Jl 15 '79

Infrared Image Construction with Computer-Generated Reflection Holograms. J.C. Angus and Others. bibl il App Opt 16:2798-9 N '77

Infrared Recording With Gelatin Films. S. Calixto. bibl il diags Appl Opt27:1977-83 My 15 '88

Injection-Molded Holograms Use CD Technololy. L Huckins. il Laser Focus 24:149 O '88

Interconnect Density Capabilities of Computer Generated Holograms for Optical Interconnection of Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits. M.R. Feldman and C.C. Guest. bibl diags Appl Opt 28:3134-7 Ag 1 '89

Interesting Paradix in Fourier Images. G.L. Rogers. bibliog il Opt Soc Am J 62:917- 18 Jl '72

Interference (holographic) Diffraction Gratings. M.C. Hutley. bibl il diags Sci Instr 9:513-20 Jl '76

Interference Patterns of Hologram Aberrations. T. Kubota and T. Ose. il diags Opt Soc Am J 61:1539-41 N. '71

Interferometric Testing of Large Optical Components with Circular Computer Holograms Y. Ichioka and A. W. Lohmann. diags App Optics 11:2597-602 N '72

Internal Reflections in Bleached Reflection Hologams. M.P. Owen and others. bibl diags Appl Opt 22:159-63 Ja 1 '83

Introduction to the Principles and Applications of Holography. J.W. Goodman. il diags IEEE Proc 59:1292-304 bibliog (p.1303-4) S '71

Ion and Plasma Assisted Etching of Holographic Gratings. D.A. Darbyshire and others. bibl diags Vacuum 36:55-60 Ja-Mr '86

Is There a Holography Industry? L.T. Kontnik. Laser Focus World 25:71-2 Jl '89

Iterative Method Applied to Image Reconstruction and to Computer-Generated Holograms. J.R. Fienup. bibl il diags Opt Eng 19:297-305 My '80

Kinoform. A Superefficient Pseudohologram. il Electro-Tech 83:40 Je '69

Large-Memory Real-Time Multichannel Multiplexed Pattern Recognition. D.A. Gregory and H.K. Liu. bibl il diags Appl Opt23:4560-70 D 15 '84

Large-Size Distortion-Free Computer-Generated Holograms in Photoresist. K. Biedermann and O. Holmgren. bibl il App Opt 16:2014-16 Ag '77

Laser Beam Scanners Constructed from Volume Holograms S.K. Case and V. Gerbig. bibl il diags Opt Eng 19:711-15 S/O '80

Laser Beam Scanning Using Computer-Generated Holograms. O. Bryngdahl and W.H. Lee. bibl il diags App Optics 15:183-94 Ja '76

Laser Diode Lensless MSF-HOE Correlator. F. Caimi and others. bibl il diag App Opt 19:2653-4 Ag 15 '80

Laser Machining with a Holographic Lens J. M. Moran. il diags Ap Optics 10:412-15 F '71

Laser Machining with Modulated Zone Plates. A. Engel and others. il diag App Optics. 13:269-73 F '74

Latent-Imaging Photopolymer Systems. E.A. Chandross and others. bibl diag App Opt 17:566-73 F 15 '78

Legacy of Dennis Gabor. E.N. Leith. bibl Opt Eng 19:633-5 S/O '80

Lens Aberration Correction by Holography. J.E. Ward and others. bibliog il diags Ap Optics 10:896-900 Ap '71

Light Beam Deflection Using Holographic Scanning Techniques. D.H. McMahon and others. il diags Ap Optics 8:399-402 F '69

Limitations on Holographic Storage Capacity of Photocromic and Photorefractive Media. K. Blotekjaer. bibl App Opt 18:57-67 Ja 1'79

Linear Recording of Fourier Transform Holograms using a Pseudorandom Diffuser. Y Nakayama and M. Kato. bibl diags App Opt 21:1410-18 Ap 15 '82

Linearisation and Moire' Problems in Computer-Generated Holographic Optical Elements With Grey-Level Modulation. L. Lindvold and others. bibl il J Phys D. 22:735-40 Je 14 '89

Local Reference Beam Generation in Holography. H.J. Caulfield and others. il diag IEEE Proc 55:1758 O '67

Long Range Holography. P.N. Everett and A.J. Cantor. bibliog il diags App Optics 11:1697-707 Ag '72

Low Angle Holographic Interferometry Using Tri-X Pan Film. R.E. Brooks. il diags Ap Optics 6:1418-19 Ag '67

Matched Spatial Filtering Using a New Photopolymer. D.J. Lanteigne and others. il diags Appl Opt 26:184-5 Ja 15 '87

Materials Processing With CO2 Laser Holographic Scanner Systems. D.K. Campbell and D.W. Sweeney. bibl il diags App Opt 17:3727-37 D 1 '78

Mathematical Equivalence Between a Holographic Optical Element and an Ultra- High Index Lens. W.C. Sweatt. diags Opt Soc Am J. 69:486-7 Mr. '79

Measuring Holographic Images. B. Keane and L. Wright. bibl diags Eng Dig 32:13- 14+ Je '86

Measurement and Application of Dynamic Range for Holographic Storage Media. M. King. bibliog il diags App Optics 11:791-7 Ap '72

Mechanism of Hologram Formation in Dichromated Gelatin. R.K. Curran and T.A. Shankoff. bibliog il diags Ap Optics 9:1651-7 Jl '70

Mechanism of Hologram Formation in DMP-128 Photopolymer. R.T. Ingwall and M. Troll. bibl il Opt Eng 28:586-91 Je '89

Method for Computing Kinoforms that Reduces Image Reconstruction Error. N.C. Gallagher and B.Liu. bibliog diags App Optics 12:2328-35 O '73

Method of Characterizing Hologram-Recording Materials. L.H. Lin. Opt Soc Am J. 61:203-8 F '71

Methylene Blue Sensitized Gelatin as a Photosensitive Medium for Conventional and Polarizing Holography. C. Solano and others. bibl diags Appl Opt 26:1989-97 My 15 '87

Minkowski Diagram in Relativity and Holography. N. Abramson. bibl diags Appl Opt 27:1825-32 My 1 '88

Modeling of a Focusing Grating Coupler using Vector Scattering Theory. J. Seligson. bibl diags Appl Opt 27:684-92 F. 15'88

Modulated Holographic Grating. S.C. Som. bibl il diag App Optics 13:2767-9 D '74

Modulating a Hologram. W. Postl. diag IEEE Proc 59:77-8 Ja '71

Moire' Effects in Computer-Generated Holograms. L. Rosen. L. Rosen. diags IEEE Proc 55:1736-7 O '67

Monobath Processing for Holography. P.Hariharan and others. App Optics 12:611- 12 Mr '73

Multicomponent Photopolymer Systems for Volume Phase Holograms and Grating Devices. W.J. Tomlinson and others. bibl diag App Optics 15:534-41 F '76

Multidirectional Holographic Scanner for Point-of-Sale Barcode Symbol Reader. K. Nishi and others. il diags Opt Eng 23:784-7 N/D '84

Multifacet Holographic Optical Elements for Wave Front Transformations. S.K. Case and others. bibl il diags App Opt 20:2670-5 Ag 1 '81

Multifocus Dichromated Gelatin Hololens. Y.-Z Liang and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 22:3451-6 N 1 '83

Multiple Imaging With an Aberration Optimized Hololens Array. A. Senthil Kumar and R.M. Vasu. bibl il diags Opt Eng 28:903-8 Ag '89

Multiple Multiple-Exposure Hologram. K.M Johnson and others. bibl diags Appl Opt 24:4467-72 D 15 '85

Multiple-Reference-Beam Nonlinear Holography With Applications in Suppression of Intermodulation Background Noise. H. Ghandeharian. bibl il Opt Soc Am J. 70:835-42 Jl '80

Multiplex Hologram Representations of Space-variant Optical Systems Using Ground Glass Encoded Reference Beams. M.I. Jones and others bibl il diags App Opt 21:1291-7 Ap 1 '82

Multiplex Holography for Space-Variant Processing; a Transfer Function Sampling Approach. R. Kasturi and others. bibl il diags App Opt 20:881-6 Mr 1 '81

Multiplex Holography: some New Methods. E.N.Leith and P. VoulVoulgaris. bibl il diags Opt Eng 24:171-5 Ja/F '85

Multiplexed Fourier Transform Holograms. H J. Caulfield. bibliog diag App Optics 12:1748-9 Ag '73

Multiplexed Holograms: Digital Generation and Optical Retrieval. C.A. Irby and others. bibl il diags App Opt 21:169-71 Ja 15 '82

Multiplying Lenseless Fourier Holograms Recorded using a Multibeam Reference Light Field. A.Kalenstynski. bibl il diags App Optics 15:853-5 Ap '76

New Approach to Computer-Generated Holography. M.C. IKing and others. bibliog il Diags Ap Optics 9:471-5 F '70

New Class of Materials for Holography in the Infrared. C. Brauchle and others. bibl diags IBM J. Res & Devel 26:217-27 Mr '82

New Coding Technique for Computer Generated Holograms. R.E. Haskell and B.C. Culver. il diags App Optics 11:2712-14 N '72

A New Design for a Holographic Table. P.T. Ajith Kumar and others. il diag J Phys E. 19:643-4 Ag '86

New Grating Experiments in the Study of Irreversible Photochemical Reactions. F.- W. Deeg and others. bibl IEEE J Quantum Electron 22: 1476-81 Ag '86

New Light on Optical Pattern Recognition. E.J. Lerner. il Aerosp Am 25:38-9 N '87

New Page-Composer for Holographic Data Storage. B. Hill and K.P. Schmidt. il diags App Optics 12:1193-8 Je '73

New Vistas For Diffraction Gratings. J.M. Lerner and J-P Laude. bibl il diags ElectroOptics 15:30-5 My '83

Noise Elimination Technique in Holography. P. K. Katti and P.C. Mehta. bibl il diag App Optics 15:530-3 F '76

Noise Performance of an Achromatic Coherent Optical System. E.N. Leith and J.A. Roth diags App Opt 18:2803-11 Ag 15 '79

Noise Reduction in Holographic Images Reconstructed with Blue Light. A. Fimia and others. bibl Appl Opt 22:3318 N. 1'83

Noise Suppression in Coherent Imaging. J. Upatnieks and R.W. Lewis. bibliog il diag App Optics 12:2161-6 S '73

Nonconventional Optical Systems and the Brightness Theorem. W.T. Welford and R. Winston. diags App Opt 21:1539-56 D '81

Nondetour Computer-Generated Holograms: an Improved Variation. R.M. Matic and E.W.Hansen. il App Opt 21:2304-5 Jl 1 '82

Nonlinear Echoes, Phase Conjugation, Time Reversal, and Electronic Holography. A Korpel and M. Chatterjee. bibl (p1555-6) diags IEEE Proc 69:1539-56 D '81

Nonlinear Effects in Holography. O. Bryngdahl and A. Lohmann. il Opt Soc Am J. 58:1325-34 O '68

Nonlinear Effects of the Recording Material on the Image Quality of a Fourier Hologram. H. Kasprzak and others. bibl diags J Opt Soc Am A 4:843-6 My '87

Nonlinear Holographic Waveguide Coupler. B.J. Chang and S.K. Case. bibl il diags App Optics 15:1800-2 Jl '76

Nonlinearities of an Aperture-Limited In-Line Far-Field Hologram. C.Ozkul. bibl Appl Opt 25:3924-6 N 1 '86

Nonlinearities of Photopolymer Holographic Recording Materials. J.A. Jenney. bibliog diags App Optics 11:1371-8 Je '72

Nonparaxial Imaging, Magnification, and Aberration Properties in Holography. E.B. Champagne. diags Opt Soc Am J 57:51-5 Ja '67

Nonparaxial Theory of Curved Holograms. K.O. Peng and H.J. Frankena. bibl il diags Appl Opt 25:1319-26 Ap 15 '86

Nonuniform Sinusoidally Modulated Dielectric Gratings. D. Kermisch. diags Opt Soc Am J 59:1409-14 N '69

Novel Applications of Holography J.D. Redman. il diags J Sci Instr ser 2 vol 1:821-2 Ag '68

Novel Method for Coupling Between Single-Mode Fibres and Integrated Optical Components and its Possible Applications. G. Arvidsson and L. Thylen. bibl il diags Inst E.E. Proc 127H:37-40 F '80

O-E Lase '86, First Annual Symposium on Optoelectronics & Laser Applications, Los Angeles, Calif., Jan 19-24, 1986 Laser Focus 21:58-9 O '85

O-E/LASE '88, Optoelecrtonics and Applications in Science and Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, Calif., Jan. 10-17 1988] Laser Focus 23:84+ D '87; 24:106+Ja '88

Optical Associative Memory Using Fourier Transform Holograms. E.G. Paek and D. Psaltis. bibl il diags Opt Eng 26:428-33 My '87

Optical Clock Distribution to Silicon Chips. B.D. Clymer and J.W. Goodman. bibl diags Opt Eng 25:1103-8 O '86

Optical Elements with Ultrahigh Spatial-Frequency Surface Corrugations. R.C. Enger and S.K. Case. bibl il diags Appl Opt 22:3220-8 O 15 '83

Optical Image Deblurring Methods. G.W. Stroke. bibliog il diags Ind Phot 19:26-8+ My '70

Optical Imaging Applied to Microelectronic Chip-to-Chip Interconnections. R.K. Kostuk nand others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 24:2851-8 S. 1 '85

Optical Implementation of the Hough Transform by a Matrix of Holograms P. Ambs and others. bibl il diags App. Opt 25:4039-45 N 15 '86 Optical Interconnection Based Symbolic Manipulations. H.J. Caulfield. bibl diags Opt Eng 25:1179-80 O '86

Optical Interconnection Using Photorefractive Dynamic Holograms. P. Yeh and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 27:2093-6 Je 1 '88

Optical Matched Filter Correlator Memory Techniques and Storage Capacity. K.G. Leib and others. bibl il diags Opt Eng 19:414-20 My '80

Optical Symbolic Substitution: System Design Using Phase-Only Holograms. J.N. Mait and K.H. Brenner. bibl diags Appl Opt 27:1692-700 My 1 '88

Optical Word Recognition; Case Study in Coherent Optical Pattern Recognition. D. Casasent and others. bibl il diags Opt Eng 19:716-21 S/O '80

Optically Formed Dielectric Gratings in Thick Films of Arsenic-Sulfer Glass. R. G. Brandes and others. bibliog Ap Optics 9:1712-14 Jl '70

Optics for a Read-Write Holographic Memory. W.C. Stewart and L.S. Cosentino. bibliog diags Ap Optics 9:2271-5 O '70

Optimal Holographic Fourier-Transform Lens. J.Kedmi and A.a.Friesem. bibl il diags Appl Opt 23:4015-19 N 15 '84

Optimum Holographic Elements Recorded with Nonspherical Wave Fronts. K.A. Winick and J.R.Fienup. bibl diags J. Opt Soc Am 73:208-17 F. '83

Optimum Quantization in Digital Holography. N. C. Gallagher. jr. bibl il App Opt 17:109-15 Ja 1 '78

Optimisation and Fabrication of Grating Beamsplitters. J. Turunen and others. bibl J. PHys D 21 no 102S:S102-5 O 14'88

Optimized Holographic Optical Elements. J. Kedmi and A.A. Friesem. bibl il diags J Opt Soc Am 3:2011-18 D '86

Orthomorphic Image Transmission and Holography by Lens Beam Guide and Selfoc Lens. Y. Fujii and S. Nishida. il diags Appl Opt 24:1466-8 My 15 '85

Page Oriented Associative Holographic Memory. G.R. Knight. bibliog diags App Optics 13:904-12 Ap '74

Parameter Extraction by Holographic Filtering. J.L. Horner and H.J. Caulfield. il App Opt 21: 1599-601 mY 1 '82

Partially Illuminated Kinoforms: a Computer Study. S. Jacobsson and others. bibl diags Appl Opt 26:2773-81 Jl 15 '87

Partitioned Holographic Optical Elements S.K. Case and P.R. Haugen. bibl il diags Opt Eng 21:352-3 Mr/Ap '82

Performance of a Bragg Diffraction Imaging System with Partially Coherent Light Illumination. N. Salga and T. Suzuki. bibl il diag Acoust Soc. Am J. 64:14567-9 N '78

Permanent Holograms in Glass by rf Sputter Etching. J.J. Hanak and J.P. Russell. il diags RCA R 32:319-24 Je '71

Phase Holograms in Dichromated Gelatin. D. Meyerhofer. bibliog il diags RCA R. 33:110-030 Mr '72

Phase Holograms in Dichromated Gelatin. T.A. Shankoff. il Ap Optics 7:2101-5 O '68

Phase Holograms in Photochromic Materials. W.J. Tomlinson. bibliog diag App Optics 11:823-31 Ap '72

Phase Gratings Formed by Induced Anisotropy in Dyed Gelatin Plates. C. Solano and R.A. Lessard. bibl il Appl Opt 24:1776-9 Je 15 '85

Phase Holograms and the Action of Bleaching. S. Feng and others. bibl App Opt 16:1800-1 Discussion. F.T.S.Yu 1802 Jl .'77

Phase Holograms Formed by Silver Halide Sensitized Gelatin Processing. W.R. Graver and others. bibl diags App Opt 19:1529-36 My 1 '80

Phase Holograms, PHase-Only Holograms. and Kinoforms. W.T. Cathey. Jr. bibliog Ap Optics 9:1478-9 Je '70

Phase-Modulated Holography: a New Technique for Investigation of Solid-State Photochemistry and Hologram Formation Mechanisms. J. Pinsl and others. bibl diag J Phys Chem 90:6754-6 D 18'86

Phase-Only Composite Filter. X.Y. Su and others. bibl diags Opt Eng 26:520-3 Je '87

Phase Quantization in Holograms-Depth Effects. W.J. Dallas and A.W. Lohmann. bibliog il diag App Optics 11:192-4 Ja '72

Phase-Shifted Quarter Micron Holographic Gratings by Selective Image Reversal of Photoresist. W.K. Chan and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 27:1377-80 Ap 15 '88

Phase Stabilization System for Holographic Optical Data Processing. C.C.Guest and T.K. Gaylord. diags Appl Opt 24:2140-4 Jl 15 '85

Photodielectric Polymer for Holographic Recording. A.A.Friesem and others. bibl il diag App Opt 16:427-32 F '77

Photographic Phase Holograms: Spatial Frequency Effects with Conventional and Reversal Bleaches. P. Hariharan and C.M. Chidley. bibl Appl Opt 27:3065-7 Ag 1 '88

Photographic Phase Holograms: The Influence of Developer Composition on Scattering and Diffraction Efficiency. P. Hariharan and C.M. Chidley. bibl App Opt 26:1230- 4 Ap 1 '87

Photoinduced Anisotropy in Rigid Dye Solutions for Transient Polarization Holography. T. Todorov and others. bibl diags IEEE J Quantum Electron 22:1262-7 Ag '86

Photolithographic Fabrication Method of Computer-Generated Holographic Interferograms. M.Kajanto and others. bibl diags Appl Opt 28:778-84 F. 15 '89

Photometallic Etching of Holograms. P.J. Magill and C.A. Speicher. bibliog il diag Magill and C.A. Speicher. bibliog il diag Electrochem Soc J. 118:1514-16 S '71

Photopolymer Material for Holography. B L. Booth. bibl il Ap Optics 14:593-601 Mr '75

Photorefractive Crystals for the Stabilization of the Holographic Setup. A.A.Kamshilin and others. bibl diags Appl Opt 25:2375-81 Jl 15 '86

Photovoltaic Concentrator using a Holographic Optical Element. Y.W. Zhang and others. bibl diags Appl Opt 27:3556-60 Ag 15 '88

Physical Optics Analysis of the Focusing Grating Coupler. G.N. Lawrence and P.J. Cronkite. bibl diags Appl Opt 27: 672-8 F 15 '88

Planar Volume Phase Holograms Formed in Bleached Photographic Emulsions. R.R.A. Syms and L. Solymar. bibl diags Appl Opt 22:1479-96 My 15 '83

Plastic Recording Media for Holography at 10.6 um. M. Rioux and others. bibl il diag App Opt 16:1876-9 Jl '77

Polarization Holography. T.Todorov and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 23:4309-12 D 1 '84; 23:4588-91 D 15 '84: 24:785-8 Mr 15 '85

Polarization Holography. A new High-Efficiency Organic Material with Reversible Photoinduced Birefringence. T. Todorov and others. bibl Appl Opt 23:4309-12 D 1 '84

Polarization Holography. Some Applications of Polarization Holographic Recording. T.Todorov and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 24:785-8 Mr 15 '85

Polarization Sensitivity of Noise Gratings Recorded in Silver Halide Volume Holograms. R.K.Kostuk and G.T. Sincerbox. bibl il diags Appl Opt 27:2993-8 Jl 15 '88

Polymers Developed for Holographic Use. il Chem & Eng N 53:21-2 D 22 '75

Possibilities of Optical Elements Design Using Phase Holograms A.L. Mikaeliane and others. bibliog il diags App Optics 11:2004-6 S '72

Precise Periodicity Control in the Fabrication of Holographic Gratings. S.T. Zhou and others. bibl diag App Opt 20:1270-2 Ap 15 '81

Preparation of Dichromated Gelatin Films for Holography. R.G. Brandes and others. Ap Optics 8:2346-8 N '69

Processing of Holograms Recorded in Methylene Blue Sensitized Gelatin. N. Capolla and R.A. Lessard. bibl diags Appl Opt 27:3008-12 Jl 15 '88

Production of Partially Achromatic Zone Plates by Holographic Techniques K.A. Snow and M.P. Givens. bibliog il diags Opt Soc Am J. 58:871-4 Jl '68

Properties and Limitations of Hologram Recording Materials. J.C. Urbach and R. W. Meier. bibliog diags Ap Optics 8:2269-81 N '69

Properties of Holographic Gratings Photo-Induced in Polymethyl Methacrylate. J.M. Moran and I.P. Kaminow. bibliog il diags App Optics 12:1964-70 Ag '73

Properties of Two Overlapping Zone Plates of Different Focal Lengths. H.H. M. Chau. il diags Opt Soc Am J 60:255-9 F '70

Pulse Width Modulated Computer Generated Holograms. V. Srinivasan and others. il diags Sci Instr 14:1141-2 O '81

Random Phase Data Masks; Fabrication Tolerances and Advantages of Four Phase Level Masks. W.C. Stewart and others. diags App Optics 11:604-8 Mr '72

Rapid Check on the Stability and Coherence of a Total Holographic System. F. Michael diag Ap Optics 9:1481 Je '70

Ray Tracing Through Holographic Gratings. H. Noda and others. bibl diags Opt Soc Am J. 64:1037-42 Ag '74

Real-Time Hologram Recording in SeGe Films. A. Singh and others. bibl il Appl Opt 26:2474-8 Je 15 '87

Real-Time Holography with Undeveloped Dichromated Gelatin Films. S. Calixto and R.A. Lessard. bibl il diags Appl Opt 23:1989-94 Je 15 '84

Real-Time Optical Holographic Tracking of Multiple Objects. T.-H Chao and H.-K Liu. bibl il diags Appl Opt 28:226-31 Ja 15 '89

Real-Time Optical Image Processing and Polarization Holography with Dyed Gelatin. S. Calixto and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 24:2941-7 S 15 '85

Reconstruction Errors in Computer Generated Binary Holograms; a Comparative Study. R.A.Gabel. bibl App Optics 14:2252-5 S '75

Reconstruction Fidelity from Volume Holograms if Finite Width and Variable Index Modulation. P.S.J. Russel. bibl diags Opt Soc Am J 69:496-503 Ap '79

Reconstruction of Binary-Data-Page Thick Holograms for an Arbitrarily Oriented Reference Beam. H.J. Gallagher and others. bibl diags App Opt 20:300-6 Ja 15 '81

Recording Characteristics of Volume Holograms. Y. Ninomiya. bibliog diag Opt Soc Am J 63:1124-30 S '73

Recording and Reconstruction of an Object's Wave State of Polarization by a Volume Hologram. V.V. Shkunov and B.Y. Zeldovich. bibl diags App Opt 18:3633-43 N 1 '79

Recording Holograms in Luminescent Materials. T.A. Shankoff. Ap Optics 8:2282-4 N '69

Recording of High Quality Color Holograms. T. Kubota. bibl diags Appl Opt 25:4141- 5 N 15 '86

Recursive Design Techniques for Fourier Transform Holographic Lenses. Y Amitai and A.A. Friesem. bibl il diags Opt Eng 26:1133-9 N. '87

Red Sensitivity of Dichromated Gelatin Films. C. Solano and others. bibl diags Appl Opt 24:1189-92 Ap 15 '85

Reduction of Sensitiser Concentration Gradients in Dichromated Gelatin Films. D.J. Jacobs and M. G. Marsland. bibl J Phys E. 20:899-901 Jl '87

Reduction of the Number of Samples in Computer Holograms for Image Processing. S. Lowenthal and P. Chavel. diags App Optics 13:718-20 Ap '74

Reflection-Hologram Processing for High Efficiency in Silver-Halide Emulsions. D.J. Cooke and A.A. Ward. bibl diags Appl Opt 23:934-41 Mr 15 '84

Reflection Holographic Filters for Compacting Optical Processors. G.C. Righini and others. bibliog il diags App Optics 13:1019-22 My '74

Reflection Volume Holographic Scanners with Field-Curvature Corrections. Y. Ishii. bibl il diags App Opt 22:3491-9 N 15 '83

Rehalogenating Bleaches for Photographic Phase Holograms: Spatial Frequency Effects. P. Hariharan and C.M. Chidley. bibl Appl Opt 27:3852-4 S 15 '88

Relaxation of the Coherence Requirements in Holography. F.M. Mottier and others. bibliog il diag App Optics 12:243-8 F '73

Replication of Relief-Phase Holograms for Prerecorded Video. R.A. Bartolini and others. bibliog il Electronchem Soc J 120:1408-13 O '73

Representations of Space-Variant Optical Systems Using Volume Holograms. L.M. Deen and Others. bibl il diags App Optics 14:2438-46 O '75

Reprocesing of Nonoptimally Exposed Holograms. G.S. Phipps and others. bibl App Opt 19:802-11 Mr 1 '80

Reshaping Collimated Laser Beams with Gaussian Profile to Uniform Profiles. C.-Y. Han and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 22:3644-7 N 15 '83

Resolution Distribution and Information Capacity of a Hologram. S.S. Hsiao. bibliog diags Opt Soc Am J 63:1108-19 S '73

Resolution in Holography. E.B. Champagne and N. G. Massey. bibliog il diags Ap Optics 8:1879-85 S '69

Resolutionn Limitations in Holographic Images. B.R. Russell. diags Ap Optics 8:971- 3 My '69

Resolution Limits of Holographic Mapping Filters for Geometric Coordinate Transformations. F. Mengal. bibl il diags Appl Opt 27: 339-44 Ja 15 '88

Resolving Power of a Zone Plate. D.J. Stigliani. Jr. and others. bibliog diag Opt Soc Am J 57:610-13 My '67

Resonator Memories and Optical Novelty Filters. D.Z. Anderson and M.C. Erie. bibl il diags Opt Eng 26:434-44 My '87

Reversible Recording and Erasure of Holograms in Photodarkened AS2S3 Thin Film. S.G. Lee and S.S. Lee. bibl diags Appl Opt 25:4512-14 D 15 '86

Review of Resolution Factors in Holography. O.D.D.Soares. bibl diags Opt Eng 22:SR-107-12 Jl/Ag '83

Sampled Computer-Generated Binry Hologram. S.C. Keeton. il IEEE Proc 56:325-7 Mr.'68

Sampling in Digital Holographic Reconstruction. H.Lee and G. Wade. J Acoust Soc Am 75:1291-3 Ap '84

Sandwich Hologram Interferometry. N. Abramson. bibl il diags App Optics 13:2019- 25; 14:981-4; 15:200-5 S '74, Ap '75, Ja '76

Scanned Beam Holography. J. C. Palais. il diag Ap Optics 9:709-11 Mr '70

Scattering Phenomena in Volume Holograms with Strong Coupling. S.I. Ragnarsson. bibl il diags App Opt 17:116-27 Ja 1 '78

Silter Halide Sensitized Gelatin Holograms: Mechanism of Hologram Formation. P. Hariharan. bibl Appl Opt 25:2040-2 Jl 1 '86

Simple Inverting Interferometer With Holoelements. V. Parthiban and others. bibl il diags Appl Opt 27: 1913-14 My 15 '88

Simple Lens-System Models for Holographic Techniques. F. Mandelkorn. bibliog diags Opt Soc A J 63:1119-24 S '73

Simple Variable-Ratio Beam Splitter for Holography. D. Bertani and others. bibl il diags J Phys E. 16:602-3 Jl '83

Simplification of Lee's Method of Generating Holograms by Computer. C.B. Burckhardt. diag Ap Optics 9:1949 Ag '70

Simplified Color Image-Processing System Using a Dichromated Gelatin Holographic Element. Y.G. Jiang. bibl il diags Appl Opt 21:3138-41 S 1 '82

Simulation of Synthetic Discriminant Function Optical Implementation. J. Riggins and S. Butler. bibl flow chart il Opt Eng 23:721-6 N/D '84

Single-beam Holography. Y.P. Hwu. bibl diag Am J.Phys 50:280 Mr '82

Single Holographic Element Wavelength Demultiplexer. J.L. Horner and J.E. Ludman. bibl diags App Opt 20:1845-7 My 15 '81

Single-Mode Fibre-Optic Holography. J.D.C. Jones and others. bibl diags J Phys E 17:271-3 Ap '84

Single-Sideband Holography. O. Bryngdahl and A. Lohmann. bibliog il diags Opt Soc Am J 58:620-4 My '68

Some Aspects of Scanned Reference Beam Holography. J.C. Palais and I.C. Velia. Il App Optics 11:481-3 F '72

Space and Time Variables in Optics and Holography: Recent Experimental Aspects. J.C. Vienot and others. bibl il diags App Opt 16:454-61 F '77

Space and Wavelength Dependence of a Dispersion-Compensation Matched Filter. G.M. Morris and N. George. bibl diags App Opt 19:3843-50 N 15 '80

Space Division Multiplexed Holograms H.J. Caufield. il diags Ap Optics 10:1455-6 Je '71

Space-Invariant Multiple-Grating Interferometers in Holography. B.J. Chang and E.N. Leith. bibl il diags Opt Soc AmJ 69:689-96 My '79

Spatial Resolution of Relief Holograms in Dichromated Gelatin. D. Meyerhofer. bibliog il Ap Optics 10:416-21 F '71

Speckle Noise Reduction by Random Phase Shifters. M. Matsumura. bibl il diags App Optics 14:660-5 Mr '75

Speckle Reduction in Holography with a Spatially incoherent Source. M. Kato and Others. bibl il diags App Optics 14:1093-9 My '75

Spectral and Imaging Properties of Uniform Diffusers. M. Kowalczyk. bibl diags J Opt Soc Am A 1:192-200 F '84

Stabilization of Holographic Fringes by fm Feedback. H.W. Rose and H.D. Pruett. il diag Ap Optics 7:87-9 Ja '68

Stabilization of Holographic Recording Systems with Intermittent Exposure Control. B.J. Pernick and M. Kesselman. il diags R Sci Instr 43:579-84 Ap '72

Stabilizing Techniques for Holographic Recording. B.J. Pernick. bibliog il diags Instr & Control Systems 45:64-8 Jl '72

Staircase Telescope Arrays for Local BeamCompression in one Dimension. A.W. Lohmann and F. Sauer. bibl il diags Appl Opt 28:3830-4 S. 15 '89

Steady-State Space-Charge Fields in Photorefractive Materials for Volume Holographic Interconnections. H.Lee and W.S. Baek. bibl diag J Appl Phys 66:1908-14 S 1 '89

Storage Density Limitation of a Volume-type Hologram Memory; theory, H. Nomura and T. Okoshi. bibl diags App Optics 15:550-5 F '76

Study on the pH Dependence of Diffraction Efficiency of Phase Holograms in Dye Sensitized Dichromated Gelatin. R. Changkakoti and S.V. Pappu. bibl Apl Opt 25:798-801 Mr 1 '86

Submicron Grating Fabrication on Gas by Holographic Exposure. D. Heflinger and others. bibl il diags Opt Eng 21:537-41 My/Je '82

Synthesis of Digital Holograms by Direct Binary Search. M.A. Seldowitz and others. bibl flow chart il diag Appl Opt 26:2788-98 Jl 15 '87

Systematic Design Method for Holographic Zone Plates with Aberration Corrections. Y. Ono and N. Nishida. bibl il diags Appl Opt 26:1137-41 Mr 15 '87

Technques for Fabricating Bragg Reflectors on Si02-Si3N4-SiO2 Rib Waveguides on Si. H.J. Lee. bibl il diags Appl Opt 27: 1199-202 Mr 15 '88

Temporal Coherence Length and Speckle; A Simultaneous Approach to those Problems in Holography. C. Roychoudhuri and others. bibl il diag App Optics 14:2051-3 S '75: Discussion. 15:1680-1 Jl '76

Testing Aspheric Surfaces with Computer-Generated Holograms: Analysis of Adjustment and Shape Errors. B. Dorband and H.J. Tiziani. bibl diags Appl Opt 24:2604-11 Ag 15 '85

Theory of Certain Diffraction Gratings Produced by the Holographic Method. M.V.R. K. Murty and N.C. Das. diags Opt Soc Am J 61:1001-6 Ag '71

Theory of Diffraction by Holographic Gratings. E. Storck and V. Wolff. diag J. App Phys 46:3509 Ag '75

Thoery of Diffraction of Guided Optical Waves by Thick Holograms. R.P. Kenan. bibl diags J App Phys 46:4545-51 O '75

Theory of Hologram Formation in Photorefractive Media. K. Blotekjaer. bibl J App Phys 48:2495-501 Je '77

Thick Amplitude Holograms; Effect of Nonlinear Recording. C.R. Bendall and others. App Optics 11:2992-3 D '72

Thick Holograms in Photochromic Materials. D.R. Bosomworth and H.J. Gerritsen. bibliog il diags Ap Optics 7:95-8 Ja '68

Three-Color Hologram Zone Plates. W.E. Kock. bibliog il diag IEEE Proc 54:1610-12 N '66

Three-Dimensional Doppler Anemometer Using a Holographic Optical Element. F. Schneider and W. Windeln. bibl diags Appl Opt 27:4481-6 N 1 '88

Transient Holograms in dyed plastic. S. Calixto and R A. Lessard. bibl il Appl Opt 23:211-13 Ja 15 '84

Transmission Diffraction Gratings Composed of one Material with Anomalous Dispersion in the Visible Region. H.J. Gerritsen and others. bibl il Appl Opt 27:2781-5 Jl 1 '88

Two-Dimensional Theory of Volume Holograms With Electric Polarization in the Plane of the Grating. L. Solymar and C.J.R. Sheppard. bibl Opt Soc Am J 69:491-5 Ap '79

Ultraviolet Hologram Recording in Dichromated Gelatin. T.P. Sosnowski and H. Kogelnik. bibliog Ap Optics 9:2186-7 S '70

Use of a Holographic Filter to Modify the Coherence of a light field. D.Courjon and others. bibl il diags Opt Soc Am J 71:469-73 Ap '81

Use of a Holographic Lens for Producing Cylindrical Holographic Sterograms R.L. Fusek and L. Huff. bibl il diags Opt Eng 20:236-40 Mr/Ap '81

Use of Dynamic Theory to Describe Experimental Results from Volume Holography. R. Magnusson and T.K. Gaylord. bibl diags J. App Phys 47:190-9 Ja '76

Use of Holographic Optical Elements in Speckle Metrology. C. Shkher and G. V. Rao. bibl il diags Appl Opt 23:4592-5 D 15 '84

Use of Lens Arrays in Holograms. W.E. Kock. diags IEEE Proc 55:1103-4 Je '67

Use of Photoresist as a Holographic Recording Medium. M.J. Beesley and J.G. Castledine. il diags Ap Optics 9:2720-4D '70

Using Computer Generated Holograms to Test Aspheric Wavefronts. J.C. Wyant and V P. Bennett. bibliog il diags App Optics 11:2833-9 D '72

Using a Conventional Optical Design Program to Design Holographic Optical Elements. C.W. Chen. bibl diags Opt Eng 19:649-53 S/O '80

Versatile Beam Splitter for Holographers. P.K. Glanz and N. Haskell. diags Am J Phys 44:712 Jl '76:Discussion. M.E.Cox. 45:590-1 Je '77

Volume Hologram Formation in Photopolymer Materials. W.S. Colburn and K.A. Haines. bibliog il diags App Optics 10:1636-41 Jl '71

Volume Holograms Constructed from Computer Generated Masks. S.K. Case and W.J. Dallas. bibl il diags App Opt 17:2537-40 Ag 15 '78

Volume Holograms in Photochromic Materials. W.J. Thomlinson. bibl diags App Optics 14:2456-67 O '75

Volume Holographic Recording Characteristics of an Organic Medium. R.A. Bartolini and others. bibl App Optics 15:1261-5 My '76

Wave-Front Inversion Using a Thin Phase Hologram; a Computer Simulation. Q. Cao and J.W. Goodman. bibl flow charg il diags Appl Opt 23:4575-87 D 15 '84

Wavefront Multiplexing by Holography. H. J. Caulfield. il Ap Optics 9:1218-19 My '70

Wavefront-Reconstruction Mechanism in Blazed Holograms D. Kermisch. bibliog diags Opt Soc Am J 60:782-6 Je '70

Wavelength and Angular Selectivity of High Diffraction Efficiency Reflection Holograms in Silver Halide Photographic Emulsion. J.M. Heaton and L. Solymar. bibl diags Appl Opt 24:2931-6 S 15 '85

Wavelength Scaling Holographic Elements. M. Malin and H.E. Morrow. Opt Eng 20:756-8 S/O '81

Wavelength Performance of Holographic Optical Elements. T.Stone and N. George. bibl diags Appl Opt 24:3797-810 N 15 '85

White Light Hologram Technique. E.N.Leith and others il diags App Opt 17:3187-8 O 15 '78

Width-Modulated Complex Pserdorandom Diffuser. Y. Nakayama and M. Kato. diags Opt Soc Am J 70:1382-4 N '80

Zone-Plate Coded Imaging on a Microscopic Scale. N.M. Ceglio. bibl diag J App Phys 48:1563-5 Ap '77

Zone Plate Theory Based on Holography. M. H. Horman and H.H.M. Chau. bibliog il diags Ap Optics 6:317-22 F '67:Discussion. K.I. Clifford and G.S. Waldman. 6:1415:Reply. 1415-18 Ag '67

Zone Plate with Aberration Correction. E.N. Leith and J. Upatnieks. diag Opt Soc Am J 57:699 My '67

Books on Holography

Abramson, Nils. The Making & Evaluation of Holograms. LC 81-67905. 1981, 92.00 (ISBN 0-12-042820-2) Acad Pr.

Applications of Holography in Mechanics Symposium Staff. Applications of Holography in Mechanics:Symposium, University of Southern California, 1971, Gottenberg, WG, ed LC 78-172086. pap. 23.50 (ISBN 0-317-08117-9, 2016842) Bks Demand. UML.

Barilleaux, Rene P., ed, Holography Redefined: Thresholds. LC 84-61634. (Illus) 32p. (Orig). 1984 pap 4.00 (ISNB 0-936210-14-1) Mus Holography.

Barret, N.S. Lasers & Holograms. LC 87-52000. (Picture Library), (Illus). 32p. (gr.1- 6) 1985 PLB 10.90 (ISBN 0-531-04946-9) Watts. Basov, N.G. Lasers & Holographic Data Processing. 142 p. 1985 pap 4.95 (ISBN 0-8285-2883-7, Pub. by Mir Bupns USSR.) Imported Pubns.

-Lasers & Holographic Data Processing. 142 p. 1984. 31.00x (ISBN 0 317-46643-7 Pub by Collets (UK)). State Mutual Bk.

Brcic, V. Applications of Holography & Hologram Interferometry to Photolasticity. 3nd ed. (CISM, International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses & Lectures: Vol. 14) (Illus) 58 p. 1975. pap. 10.20 (ISBN 0-387-81163-X) Springer-Veriag.

Business Communications Staff, Holography: New Commercial Opportunities. 149p.1986. 1750.00 ISBN 0-89336-480-0, GB-074). BCC

Butters, J.N. Holography & Its Technology. (IEE Monograph: No 8).236 p 1972 36.00 (ISBN 0-901223-10-7, MO008). Inst Elect Eng.

Butters, John Neil. Holography & Its Technology. LC 73-179369 (Institution of Electrical Engineers, IIE Monograph Ser.:No. 8). (Illus.) pap. 59.00 (ISBN 0-317-08482- 82017592). Bks Demand UMI.

Caulfield, H.J. & Lu, Sun. The Applications of Holography. LC 77-107585. 138p. 1970. 18.50 ISBN 0-471-14080-5, Pub by Wiley). Krieger.

Caulfield, H.J. ed. Handbook of Optical Holography. LC 79-51672. 1979. 89.50 (ISBN 0-12-165350-1). Acad Pr.

Caulfield, H. John, et al. Holography Works. LC 83-62984. (Illus) 72 p. 1984. pap. 25.00 (ISBN 0-936210-13-3). Mus Holography.

Cindrich, ed. Holographic Optics: Design & Applications. 1988. 50.00 (ISBN 0- 89252-918-0, 833). SPIE

Collier, R. et al eds. Optical Holography. 1977. student ed. 3995 (ISBN 0-12- 181052-6) Acad Pr.

Collier, Robert J., et al. Optical Holography. 1971. 94. 50 (ISBN. 0-12-181050-X). Acad Pr.

Colombeau, J.F. Differential Calculus & Holomorphy. (Mathematical Studies: Vol 64) 456 p. 1982. 94.75 (ISBN 0-444-86397-4, North-Holland). Elsevier.

David, Falk R, et al. Seeing the Light: Optics in Nature, Photography Color, Vision & Holography. 464 p. 1985. text ed. 51.50 (ISBN 0-471-60385-6). Wiley.

Dirtoft, Ingegard. Holography A New Method for Deformation Anlysis of Upper Complete Dentures in Vitro & in Vivo. (Illus, Orig.). 1985. pap text ed 42.00x (ISBN 91-22- 00763-6, Pub by Almqvist & Wiksell). Coronet Bks.

Easy Way to Make Reflection Holograpms. 3.95 (ISBN 0-89816-072-3) Embee Pr.

Ebbeni, ed. Progress in Holographic Applications. 223p. 1985. 43.00 (ISBN 0- 89252-635-1, 600). SPIE

-Progress in Holography. 169p. 1987.43.00 (ISBN 0-89252-847-8, 812). SPIE

Engineering Applications of Holography Symposium Staff. Engineering Applications of Holography: Proceedings of the Symposium, Los Angeles, 1972. pap 100.00 (ISBN 0- 317-09018-6, 2016751). Bks Demand UMI.

Erf, Robert K., ed Holographic Nondestructive Testing. 1974. 69.50 ( ISBN 0-12- 241350-4) Acad Pr.

Francon, M. Halography. 1974. 39.95 (ISBN 0-12-265750-0)Acad Pr.

Hariharan, P. Optical Holography: Principles, Techniques & Applications. (Cambridge Studies in Modern Optics: No. 2). (Illus) 331 p. 1984, pap. 24.95 Cambridge U Pr.

Heckman, Philip. The Magic of Holography. LC 85-27489. (Illus). 256p. (YA) (gr 7 up). 1986.19.95 (ISBN 0-689-31168-0, Atheneum Childrens Bks.), Macmillan.

Hildebrand, B. Percy & Brenden, Byron B. An Introduction to Acoustical Holography. LC 73-23037, 224p. 1974. pap 18.95. (ISBN 0-306-2005-8 Plenum Pr.) Plenum Pub.

Industrial Radiography Holography. (Illus). 160 p. member 9.50 (ISBN) 0-318- 17205-4 , Order No. 223); nonmember 13.00 Am Soc Nondestructive.

Holography. Date not set.2450.00 (Isbn 0-89336-695-1 GB074R). BCC.

Holography: Exploiting the Leading-Edge Developments. 340 p. 1987. 850.00 (ISBN 0-914993-15-1).Tech Insights

Holography Markets. 161 p. 1984. 1285.00x (ISBN 0-88694-594-1.). Intl. Res. Dev.

Huff, L., ed. Applications of Holography. 373p. 1985. 57.00 ( ISBN 0-89252-558-4 523). SPIE

-Holography: Critical Reviews. 168p. 1985. 43.00 (ISBN 0-89252-567-3, 532). SPIE

ICALEO Holography & Information Processing Eighty-Three: Proceedings, Vol 41. 1984. 35.00 (ISBN 0-912035-22-6). Laser Inst.

ICALEO Materials Processing Eighty-Three Proceedings, Vol. 38, 1984. 50.00 (ISBN 0-912035-19-6). Laser Inst.

Jeong, ed Practical Holography, No Il. 157p. 1987. 43.00 (ISBN 0-89252-782-X 747) SPIE.

Jeong & Ludman, eds. Practical Holography, No.E. 140p. 1986. 43.00 (ISBN 0- 89252-650-5, 615). SPIE.

Jeong, Tung H. Display Holography: Proceedings of the International Symposium 1982, Vol I. LC 83-81517. (Illus) 246p. 1983. 43.00 (ISBN 0-910535-02-7); pap 27.50 (ISBN 0-910535-09-9) Lake Forest.

-Display Holography: Proceedings of the International Symposium 1985, Vol II LC 83-81517. (Illus) 492p. 1986. 65.00 (ISBN) 0-910535-05-1 pap 50.00 (ISBN 0-910535-04- 3):Lake Forest.

-The Second International Exhibition of Holography. LC 83-80923. (Illus.) 24p. 1985. pap text ed. 12.00 (ISBN 0-910535-03-5). Lake Forest.

Jeong, Tung Hon, International Exhibition of Holography. Croydon, Michael, compiled by. LC 82-83046. 26 p. (Orig). 1982. pap. text ed. 7.00 (ISBN 0-910535-00-0). Lake Forest.

Juptner, W.P., ed Holography Techniques & Applications, Vol 1026. 1989. 51.00 (ISBN 0-8194-0061-0.) SPIE

Kallard, T. Laser Art & Optical Transforms LC 78-70638. (Illus, Orig). 1979 pap. 12.50 (ISBN 0-87739-009-6). Optosonic Pr.

Kasper, Joseph E. & Feller, Steven A. The Complete Book of Holograms: How They Work & How to Make Them. LC 87-16209. (Science Editions. Ser.) (Illus.) 216p. 1987 . pap. text ed. 16.95 (ISBN 0-471-62941-3) Wiley.

Kobayashi, Shoshichi. Hyperbolic Manifolds & Holomorphic Mappings. LC 70- 131390. (Pure & Applied Mathematics Ser: No 2). pap. 39.30 (ISBN 0-317-08025-3, 2017855). Bks Demand UMI.

Kock, Winston E. Lasers & Holography: An Introduction to Coherent Optics. rev ed: (Illus). 128 p. 1981. pap 3.50 (ISBN 0-486-24041-X). Dover.

Kostalanetz, Richard. On Holography. (Illus). 1979. 1500.00 (ISBN 0-685-95585-0). RK Edns.

Laser Measurements. 145 p. 1985. 30.00 (ISBN 0-912035-13-7). Laser Inst.

Lee,ed. Computer-Generated Holography. no II 1988. 45.00 (ISBN 0-89252-919-9, 884) SPIE.

Machade, S. ed. Functional Analysis, Holomorphy & Approximation Theory: Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Mathematics Ser.: Vol. 843). 636 p. 1981. pap. 38.80 (ISBN 0-387-10560-3) Springer-Veriag.

Menzel, Fingerprint Detection with Lasers. 120 p. 1980. 55.00 (ISBN 0-8247-694-0). Dekker.

Okoshi, T. Three-Dimensional Imaginary Techniques. 1976. 64.00 (ISBN 0-12- 525250-1). Acad Pr.

Ostrovsky, Y.I., et al. Interferometry by Holography. (Springer Ser. in Optical Sciences: Vo. 20). (Illus) 280 p. 1980. 45.00 (ISBN 0-387-09886-0) Springer-Veriag.

Robillard, Jean & Caulfield, H. John, eds. Industrial Applications of Holography. (Illus). 192 p. 1989. 45.00 (ISBN 0-19-505855-0). Oxford U. Pr.

Ross, F. & Yerkes, E eds. Holography Marketplace, 1989. LC 88-31798. (Illus). 184 p. (Orig.) 1989 pap. text ed. 35.00 (ISBN 0-89496-047-4). Ross Bks.

Saxby, Graham. Practical Holography. 560 p. 1988 text ed. 45.00 (ISBN 0-13- 693797-7) P-H.

Schumann, W.& Dubas, M. Holographic Interferometry: From the Scope of Deformation Analysis of Opaque Bodies. (Springer Ser. in Optical Sciences: Vol. 16). (Illus). 1979. 42.00 (ISBN 0-387-09371-0). Springer-Veriag.

Schumann, W., et al Holography Deformation Analysis. (Series in Optical Sciences: Vol 46) (Illus). 1977. 53.00 (ISBN 0-387-13531-6) Springer-Veriag.

Smith, H.M., ed Holographic Recording Materials. LC 77-24503. (Topics in Applied Physics: Vol 20). Illus). 1977. 53.00 (ISBN 0-387-08293-X). Springer-Veriag.

Smith, Howard M. Principles of Holography 2nd ed. LC 75-5631. pap 73.30 (2056155) Bks Demand UMI

Stoll, W. Value Distribution of Holomorphic Maps into Compact Complex Manifolds. LC 75-121987. (Lecture Notes in Mathematics: Vo. 135). 1970. pap 15.10 (ISBN 0-387- 04924-X) Springer Veriag.

Stroke, George W. Introduction to Coherent Optics & Halography. 2nd ed (Illus) 1969. 64.50 (ISBN 0-12-673956-0). Acad PR.

Unterseher, Fred, et al. The Holography Handbook, New ed. (Illus). 408p. (Orig.) 1982. pap 16.95 (ISBN 0-89496-017-2). Ross Bks.

Vasilenko, G.I. & Tsibul'kin, L.M. Image Recognition by Holography. Tybulewicz, Albin, tr from Rus. LC 88-23739. (Illus) 342p. 1989 85.00x (ISBN 0-306-11017-2, Consultants). Plenum Pub.

Vest, ed Holographic Nondestructive Testing: Critical Review of Technology. 117 p. 1986. 55.00 (ISBN 0-89252-639-4, 604). SPIE

Vest, Charles M. Holographic Interferometry, LC 78-14883. (Wiley Series in Pure & Applied Optics). 465p. 1979. text ed. 71.95x (ISBN 0-471-90683-2, Pub. by Wiley- Interscience). Wiley

Wang, et al, eds. Holography Applications 591p. 1986. 72.00 (ISBN 0-89252-708-0, 673 )SPIE

Wenyon, Michael. Understanding Holography, LC 78-965 (Illus) 176 p. 1984. 14.95 (ISBN) 0-668-06414-5); pap 8.95 (ISBN 0-668-06203-7) Arco.

Yaroslavskii, L.P. & Merzlyakov, N.S. Methods of Digital Holography. LC 80-16286 182 p. 1980. 69.50x (ISBN 0-306-10963-8, Consultants.). Plenum Pub.

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