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2006 Holography contest Q&A/discussion thread

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 2:30 am
by Tom B.
For those who have taken stereo images of their contest entry, you might be interested in trying this and (if it works for you) submitting an additional pic:

Sorry it's a bit late, but I just found it a couple days ago and wasted a day trying to get the standalone version to work with no success. The online version worked ok, but requires that you upload the pictures somewhere. It requires Flash and Javascript. I found the near and far focus point settings confusing and still don't really know what they do. I more or less set both to the same point. I also decided I didn't like the fancy in-between mode and preferred simple flip mode. The online version produces a super-long html link to an external sourceforge wiggle app with all the settings and image locations embedded.

The stereo images are best taken with small separation so the disparity isn't too great.

Anyway, have fun!

2006 Holography contest Q&A/discussion thread

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:08 am
by JohnFP
Well, I might as well let the "cat" out of the bag.

I had some problems with making my dog hologram and then this weekend, in which I thought I had the troubles ironed out, I had family come in town unexpectedly and couldn't make it into the lab.

My hologram, which I will still continue to work on and complete, was a 2D photo of a flea enlarged to about 4x5" and was made on a 5x7" plate. On the back of the flew was an imaging lens and holder, the type you use to view 35mm photo slides and from base to lens is aobut 2". A circle was cut out around the fleas back such that the when the imaging lens was placed over the hole in the flea it could image the 2nd photo behind the flea. It was a dog that had dug a big hole and had its head in the hole. Then the whole H1 reflection was imaged planed such that the flea was on the plane of the glass and the lens would stick out in front of the glass by two inches.

The idea was to have a flea being bothered and dug into by a dog. And the only way you could see the dog on the flea's back was to look through the magnifying lens. I thought this would really hit at home to those that have a dog and are constantly battling the flea problem throughout the summer. Finally, a pay back. The title of the hologram is "Pay Back".

The first problem I resolved was I printed out the flea as a back image on a white background, very bad. I then reversed the colors such that the flea was white on a black background and it came out very good.

The second problem I had, which I mentioned here, was the imaging properties of the lens and what I believe to be it's interaction with the geometry of the reference beams (both the H1 and H2). I resolved this problem by collimating both reference beams and enlargeing the back image and placing it further behine the first photo and lens. This allowed a larger field of view through the lens and gave the magnification I desired.

2006 Holography contest Q&A/discussion thread

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:41 pm
by dave battin
john sorry to hear this ,as i was hoping to see more dcg and self made film entries....

2006 Holography contest Q&A/discussion thread

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:31 pm
by Tony
OK, I have cast my votes for all entries. In lieu of any voting guidelines, here is how I came up with the scores:

Technical Achievment: 0-2 points, based on the technical quality of the entry. Lack of artifacts, dust; even lighting, etc.

Artistic Merit: 0-2 points, based on artistic merit (totally subjective), originality. I favored totally original works, as opposed to works involving recognizable characters/figures.

Technical Degree of Difficulty: A bonus point was awarded if a particularly challenging process was used (color, H1/H2 copy, multiple exposures).

Just thought I'd toss this out for discussion - if anyone else has a better scheme, I'll use theirs - can we vote more than once? (Didn't try it).

I did vote for my own entry on this scale, and it wasn't the highest...

2006 Holography contest Q&A/discussion thread

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:59 pm
by MichaelH
You can't vote more than once on any given submission.

Use whatever criteria you like (that was mentioned various places).

Use should also feel free to discuss each hologram in their respective threads.

2006 Holography contest Q&A/discussion thread

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:43 am
by dave battin
as im watching the votes come in ,i am wondering how is the total caulculated, is it the highest number tally,or does the number tally become divided in to the total of votes per entry(as an average)????

i ask this ,as i see not all the entries have the same number of votes..........

2006 Holography contest Q&A/discussion thread

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:45 am
by JohnFP
i ask this ,as i see not all the entries have the same number of votes..........

I too see this. So it would only be fair, in my humble opinion that the scoring goes as follows.

1 - 0 = 0

2 - 1 = 2

3 - 4 = 12

4 - 1 = 4

5 - 2 = 10

Total ------------

28 (points) / 8 (number of votes) = 3.5

2006 Holography contest Q&A/discussion thread

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:11 am
by Tom B.
An example of a single vote obtaining the maximum score: (replaced '-'

with '*' for clarity)

1 * 0 = 0

2 * 0 = 0

3 * 0 = 0

4 * 0 = 0

5 * 1 = 5

Total ------------

5 (points) / 1 (number of votes) = 5.0

Unless this is thought to be fair, something else will have to be done.

What about dividing instead by the total number of voters (persons that voted for any entry)

so the only way an entry could get a 5 would be if everyone voted 5 for that entry?

2006 Holography contest Q&A/discussion thread

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:39 am
by dave battin
it looks like were all talkin about the same thing

take your total value tally and divide by the number voter for your entry ..............

2006 Holography contest Q&A/discussion thread

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:11 am
by MichaelH
Yeah, you've both described the same method.

Add up the score and divide by the number of votes (voters).

As it stands the last time I did a tally we'll be having a runoff for 2nd and third place. :-)