Here are Hans Bjelkhagen's
References on Lippmann photography and earlier techniques
1. J.W. von Goethe: Wirkung Farbige Beleuchtung, in Zur Farbenlehre. Vol.II - Supplement (Cottasche Buchhandlung, Tübingen 1810) pp.703-724
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5. A.E. Becquerel: De l'image photochromatique du spectre solaire, et des images colorées obtenues dans la chambre obscure. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences 27, 483 (1848)
6. A.E. Becquerel: De l'image photographique colorée du spectre solaire. Annales de Chemie et de Physique 22, 451-459 (1848)
7. A.E. Becquerel: De l'image photochromatique du spectre solaire et des images colorées obtenues à la chambre obscure. Annales de Chemie et de Physique 25, 447-474 (1849)
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16 .L.-A. Poitevin: Action simultanée de la lumière et des sels oxygénés sur le souschlorure d'argent violet; application à l'obtention par la photographie des couleurs naturelles sur papier. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences 61, 1111-1113 (1865)
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147. H.I. Bjelkhagen, T.H.Jeong, R.J. Ro: Old and modern Lippmann photography, in Sixth Int'l Symposium on Display Holography, ed. by T.H. Jeong, H.I. Bjelkhagen. Proc. SPIE 3358, 72-83 (1998)
148. W.R. Alschuler: On the physical and visual state of 100 year old Lippmann color photographs, in Sixth Int'l Symposium on Display Holography, ed. by T.H. Jeong, H.I. Bjelkhagen. Proc. SPIE 3358, 84-94 (1998)
149. A. Labeyrie, J.P. Huignard, B. Loiseaux: Optical data storage in microfibers. Opt. Lett. 23, 301-303 (1998)
150. P. Hariharan: Lippmann photography or Lippmann holography? J. Mod. Optics 45, 1759-1762 (1998)
151. J. Blyth, R.B. Millington, A.G. Mayes, C.R. Lowe: A diffusion method for making silver bromide based holographic recording material. The Imaging Science Journal 47, 87-91 (1999)
152. W.R. Alschuler, Lippmann photography and the glory of frozen light: Eternal photographic color real and false. Proc. IEEE 31st Applied Imagery Pattern Recocnition Workshop (AIPR'02) 2002
153. H.I. Bjelkhagen, Lippmann photography: its history and recent development. The PhotoHistorian, Journal of the Historical Group of the Royal Photographic Society, APIS 2002 Special double edition, PH.141-142, pp.11-19, 2003.
154. W.R. Alschuler, Lippmann color process, the experience of amateurs in England. The PhotoHistorian, Journal of the Historical Group of the Royal Photographic Society, APIS 2002 Special double edition, PH.141-142, pp.44-51, 2003.
155. H.I. Bjelkhagen: Silver halide emulsions for Lippmann photography and holography, in International Symposium on Display Holography, ed. by T.H. Jeong, H.I. Bjelkhagen. Proc. SPIE 1600, 44-59 (1992)
156. H.I. Bjelkhagen: Silver halide recording materials for holography and their processing, Springer Series in Optical Sciences Vol. 66 (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, New York 1993)
Institutions which have collections of old Lippmann photgraphs :
157. Musée de l'Elysée Lausanne, 18 avenue de l'Elysée, CH-1014 Lausanne, Switzerland
158. Université Pierre et Marie Curie, L.D.M.C., Tour 22, 4 place Jussieu, F-75252 Paris, France
159. Musée français de la Photographie, 78 rue de Paris, F-91570 Bièvres, France
160. Société française de Photographie, 2 - 4 rue Vivienne, F-75002 Paris, France
161. Musée Nicéphore Niepce, 28 quai des Messageries, F-71100 Chalon-sur-Saône, France
162. Preus Fotomuseum - Norsk Museum for Fotografi, PB 254, N-3192 Horten, Norway
163. Graphic Art College, VFG-GLV, Leyserstrasse 6, A-1140 Vienna, Austria
164. The Royal Society of Photography, The Octagon, Milsom Street, Bath BA1 1DN, England
165. International Museum of Photography, George Eastman House, 900 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607, USA
166. H.I. Bjelkhagen: A new optical security device based on one-hundred-year-old photographic technique. Opt. Eng. 38, 55-61 (1999)
167. Yu.N Denisyuk: Imaging properties of light intensity waves: the development of the initial Lippmann ideas. J. Optics (Paris) 22, 275-280 (1991)
168. Yu.N Denisyuk: From Lippmann photography to selectograms via white light holography. J. Imaging Sci. Technol. 41, 205-210 (1997)
169. H.I. Bjelkhagen: A new OVD based on interferential photography recorded in holographic materials, in Holographic Materials V, ed. by T.J. Trout. Proc. SPIE 3638, 87-95, 1999.
170. H.I. Bjelkhagen: The Lippmann OVD for enhanced document security, in Optical Security and Counterfeit Deterrence Techniques III, ed. by R.L. van Renesse, W.A. Vliegenthart. Proc. SPIE 3973, 276-283, 2000.
171. H.I. Bjelkhagen, S. De Souza: Computer simulation of the Lippmann photographic process and recording experiments using holographic materials, in Practical Holography XV and Holographic Materials VII, ed. by S.A. Benton, S.H. Stevenson, T.J. Trout. Proc. SPIE 4296, 300-311, 2001.
172. J.-M. Fournier: Lippmann color reproduction, in The 10th Color Imaging Conference, Proc. IS&T/SID, 7-9, 2002.
References to be added to the list:
173. H. Lüppo-Cramer: Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten auf dem Gebiete der Photographie. (W. Knapp Verlag, Halle a.S. 1902)
174. A. Berget: Photographie directe des couleurs par la méthode interférentielle de M. Lippmann (Gauthier-Villars, Paris 1901) pp.59-60 (Plate holder)
175. H. Wallbott: Die Phasenändrung des Lichtes bei der Reflection an Quecksilber. Wiedemanns Annalen der Physik und Chemie 68, 471-495 (1899)
176. L. Pfaundler: Über die dunklen Streifen, welche sich auf den nach Lippmanns Verfahren hergestellen Photographien sich überdeckender Spektren zeigen (Zenkersche Streifen). Drudes Annalen der Physik 15, 371-384 (1904)
177. E.D. Fawcett: Note on the Lippmann process. Brit. J. Phot. (12 Oct. 1900) p.645
178. L. Jeuffrain: Notes sur le procédé Lippmann. La Photographie des Couleurs 2, 95-96 + 110-112 (1907)
People Involved in Early Lippmann Photography
Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934) Spain
Herbert Ives (1882 - 1953) USA
Fawcett ( - )
Richard Jahr (1861 - 1938) Germany
Hermann Krone (1827 - 1916) Germany
Pierre Lambert ( - ) France
Hans Lehmann (1875 - 1917) Germany
Raphael Eduard Liesegang (1869 - 1947) Germany
Gabriel Jonas Lippmann (1845 - 1921) France
Auguste Lumière (1862 - 1954) France
Louis Lumière (1864 - 1948) France
Henricus Lüppo-Cramer (1871 - 1943)
Richard Neuhauss (1855 - 1915) Germany
Adolf Miethe (1862 - 1927) Germany
Edmond Rothé (1873 - 1942) France
Edgar Senior (1862 - 1937) England
Eduard Valenta (1857 - 1937)
Otto Wiener (1862 - 1927)
Wilhelm Zenker (1816 - 1899) Germany[/i]