I greet all participants in this forum! I greet the creation of separate forum on the Lippmann photography. I regret, that has late found out it.
Me the question why Lippmann or its followers have not opened holography for a long time interested? In fact they were so close, it is literally in 100 micrometers. Really no one of them did complete this "useful error" as the entry of the foreign body between the surface of mercury and the photosensitive layer? Really it fell not one grain of sand, not one air bubble, not one hair, not one bread crumb of the capable of moving aside the surface of mercury! But it is fingerprint on the opposite side of plate they must somewhere remain. For obtaining the hologram of length coherence was sufficient. I.F.Usagin recorded the emission spectra of vapors of metals. In this case the length of coherence was sufficient, in order to imprint even elements of fastening. If such occurred, the Lippmann, as the person "charged" on dimensions, could not pass past this phenomenon (it indeed it created even and integral photography!).
In searches of this of "a useful mistake» I per 1986 have gone to Moscow in the Polytechnic Museum. There with great difficulty it was possible to find four samples: two Neuhaus’s photographs and two – Usagin’s pictures. Since so few people saw the real Lippmann’s photographs, that I will stop at their description in more detail.
The first sample this is the photograph of the continuous spectrum of incandescent lamp. Photograph of Neuhaus with the size of 4,5x6 sm, glued by black integumentary glass. On a forward surface sufficiently massive prism with a corner of 20-30 degrees is pasted. Its designation - to remove parasitic reflection from the surface of glass and to coordinate observation conditions with record conditions. When I examined this photograph, that was experienced a feeling of terrible realism and psychological discomfort: I see ideally real spectrum, but instrument, which this realism only and can ensure - I do not see!
The second photograph of Neuhaus also shakes imagination. It is a landscape. In my opinion, subject is selected super-brilliantly! I have estimated it as the photographer and as holographer, have given all an explanation. The park or a garden with a small building (type of a cottage) is presented. Entrance glass door is located in the depth of tambour. At shooting on a film or the digital device, this door would be in the field of a deep shadow, and to consider its details it would be possible only time exposure a picture, i.e. by loss of other information. On Lippmann’s picture all details of a door are perfectly presented, and all looks is surprisingly realistic. Confuses a little the color of sky, but this sky now above each city with the population is more than million. Thus the dynamic range (or the photographic width) of Lippmann image is compared only with the holographic image. Comparison with others - is inappropriate.
The third and the fourth - these are the trial photographs of Usagin. Size of the plates of 9x12sm. The strip of a continuous spectrum in length approximately 10sm with the noticeable dip in green region is presented. Plates are not protected. Diffraction effectiveness is low (not more than 20%). But exterior view amazing - this is the normally exposed and normally developed plate PFG-03, only thickness of glass of 2mm and solid age!
The searches for the effect of "bread crumb" by success did not crown. Irreproachable quality of the adjoining of mercury to the emulsion!
Ed Wesly
What also was in the box of goodies were some sensitizing dye exposure tests. What they looked like were what we would call conformal mirrors; single beam reflection holograms of a reflector pressed against the plate. Not having the paper in front of me, I forget if he wrote that they were exposed in a camera, or if they were exposed directly to a filtered mercury lamp. In any case, he unknowingly made some holograms!
You really saw 3D image?