Cola Buds by Provence & Broadbent

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Cola Buds by Provence & Broadbent

Post by BobH »

In light of California finally making weed legal across the board, here's an appropriate hologram. It was made by Steve Provence in about 1984, using buds grown by his neighbor in Boulder Creek, CA, and Don Broadbent's lab in the old Mountain View high school building. It's DCG on a 9x11" plate, shot with "Big Pig", the large frame argon ion laser Don ended up selling to Steve to start his embossed hologram mastering business.

In all these years, I've never heard of another hologram of cannabis plants or buds (except for my own). The buds were left to dry for almost a week before the shot. Don wasn't a smoker, but put up with the stink and paranoia anyway because that's the kind of guy he was. Gentle to the bone, inviting, tolerant, and endlessly enthusiastic about anything laser or holographic.
Cola Buds.jpg
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