online ray optics simulator

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Re: online ray optics simulator

by Loic74 » Sun Oct 02, 2022 2:35 pm

I use this one for 2D optics, which is quite simple. It is avail. in english

online ray optics simulator

by Joe Farina » Thu Sep 22, 2022 10:13 am

I had a problem recently where I needed to change the beam diameter of a laser at a point about 12 feet away, using lenses to modify beam divergence and make the beam smaller at that point (and also make the spot size adjustable).

I had always wanted to try my hand at a ray-tracing program, but thought the time involved learning it would be greater than the time saved using it, since it was rarely needed.

But I found a rather good online simulator which helped. No download is needed:

I might suggest looking at a short video first, to see how it works:
